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About Us
Ambassadors of Reconciliation is an international ministry founded to help Christians and their churches in carrying out their peacemaking responsibilities as Christ’s ambassadors. Our mission is equipping Christians and their churches for living, proclaiming and cultivating lifestyles of reconciliation.
The ministry of reconciliation is given to the local church and every believer. Our purpose is to inspire and prepare the leader’s of Christ’s church around the world to carry out this vocation in more effective ways.
Ambassadors of Reconciliation is an independent, non-profit corporation. Our approach is based upon Holy Scriptures.

In December 2021 Ambassadors of Reconciliation announced a new division, the Institute for Christian Conciliation (ICC). We are pleased to continue stewardship of this distinguished ministry of Christian conciliation. Click below to view this rich history.
History of Christian Conciliation
1980 – While studying 1 Corinthians 6:1-8, members of the Christian Legal Society (CLS) conceive the concept of Christian conciliation (aka, biblical mediation and arbitration).
1980 - Laurie Eck establishes the first Christian Conciliation Service (CCS) in Albuquerque, NM. Working part-time for the CLS, Laurie begins to travel around the U.S. promoting this concept among CLS attorneys.
1982 – Lynn Buzzard, Executive Director of the CLS, and Laurie Eck publish Tell It to the Church, which provides a theological apologetic and practical framework for Christian conciliation.
1982 – The CLS devotes its entire 1982 Annual Conference to the concept of Christian conciliation. After the conference, several CLS members establish local CCS ministries. Over the next several years, this national ministry network grows steadily.
1987 – The CLS restructures the CCS network as an independent 501(c)(3) organization called the Association of Christian Conciliation Services (ACCS).
1990 – The ACCS adopts standardized resources, including model Rules of Procedure, a Standard of Conduct for Christian Conciliators and a Training and Certification Program.
1991 – Ken Sande, executive director of the CCS of Montana, publishes The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict.
1993 – The CCS of Montana changes its name to the Institute for Christian Conciliation (ICC). The ACCS merges into the ICC.
1996 – The ICC changes its name to Peacemaker Ministries while continuing to use ICC as the name of its conciliation division.
2004 – Ambassadors of Reconciliation (AOR) is commissioned by Peacemaker Ministries as a sister ministry to focus on serving the Lutheran community.
2012 – Relational Wisdom 360 (RW360) is established by Ken Sande to focus on integrating relational wisdom (biblical emotional intelligence) with peacemaking and Christian conciliation.
2016 - AoR expands its mission to equipping and serving the wider Christian community and not just Lutherans.
2016 – Peacemaker Ministries transfers the ICC to ICC Peace, a newly-established entity dedicated solely to running the ICC.
2021 – ICC Peace winds down operations and transfers ICC intellectual property assets (Rules of Procedure and Guidelines for Christian Conciliation, etc.) to AoR. AoR immediately establishes a new division to continue stewardship and operations of ICC.
Today – The ICC operates as a division of AoR and is growing rapidly again. It actively maintains and updates the Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation, trains and certifies new conciliators around the world, provides professional Christian conciliation and offers case administration for our network of Certified Christian Conciliators. Several conciliation ministries also serve and thrive locally as described on our Co-Laborers page.
We provide our services through
two divisions:

Reconciliation Ministries
We provide reconciliation resources and training to equip and certify our Christian Reconcilers™ and Certified Christian Conciliators™. We provide speaking, teaching and Bible study resources to individuals, churches, schools and other organizations, proactively equipping them for responding to conflict biblically. (Matthew 18:15-17; 1 Corinthians 6:1-8; Philippians 4:2-9; Galatians 6:1)
The Institute for Christian Conciliation (ICC) is the newest division of Ambassadors of Reconciliation. The ICC maintains the Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation and provides professional reconciliation case administration according to those rules. We serve individuals, families, marriages, churches, schools and other organizations in conflict.