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Listed below are articles about aspects of our mission of reconciliation. They are presented in downloadable pdf format.
Family Confession and Forgiveness by Ted Kober
Forgiveness–Human vs. Divine by Ted Kober
What about Consequences? by Ted Kober
Governance Issues in Lutheran Churches
Policy-Based Governance in Lutheran Churches by Ted Kober
Structuring the Healthy Congregation - A Hybrid: Three-Board Model by Ted Kober
Ministry Teams in the Hybrid Model of Governance by Ted Kober
Stakeholders in the Church by Ted Kober
Guidelines for Minutes of Church Meetings by Ted Kober
A Christian Response to Idolatry Politics by Dwight Schettler
Supervision Issues in Christian Ministry
Caring Supervision for the Professional Ministry Worker by Ted Kober
Why Unrepentance Is Cause for Dismissal by Ted Kober
Why Repentance May Be Reason for Retention by Ted Kober
Conflict an Opportunity? I Hate Conflict! by Ted Kober
How We Treat Each Other in the Church by Ted Kober
An Environment of Forgiveness by Jennifer Boll
Sexting: A Dangerous New Temptation… by Ted Kober
Moving from the "Holy Howdy" to the "Kiss of Peace" by Ted Kober & Eric Sahlberg
Don't Confuse Conflict Resolution, Reconciliation by Ted Kober
Confession and Forgiveness: not just for Sunday morning by Ted Kober
What Makes a Church Healthy? by Ted Kober (originally published by South Wisconsin District–LCMS / Winter 2018, reprinted with permission)
Essays from the 64th Regular Convention of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Essay #1: One People Forgiven Through Christ
Essay #2: One People Forgiven Through Christ to Forgive
Essay #3: One People Forgiven Through Christ to Forgive In the Family
Essay #4: One People Forgiven Through Christ to Forgive In the Church
Essay #5: The Kiss of Peace
Video: Why do we need a Bible study on Responding to Sexual Temptation in a High Tech Society?
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