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Our Conference has concluded but it's not too late! Click Here for Conference Recordings

Christian Reconciler™
Certificate Program
Our Vision
One day every Christian community will have in its midst trained reconcilers who can:
Teach Reconciliation
Coach People to Reconcile
Mediate and
Adjudicate Disputes
Join us! YOU play a part!
flip me
Connecting the World of Reconciliation

The most complete line of reconciliation training available for equipping reconcilers. Utilized by seminaries, universities and denominations, AoR training is recognized as the best available.

We thrive on equipping reconcilers with the best and most effective reconciliation resources. From introduction to highly complex group reconciliations, you'll have access to it all.
Connecting those is need with those who serve

Connecting people in need to those who can help is essential to growing the ministry of reconciliation. YOU are part of this vision!

Most Christians are unaware of the ministry of reconciliation. Therefore we are partnering with you to get the word out! We'll equip you to teach while we continue to promote through churches and social media.
Check Out These Benefits of being a Christian Reconciler!

A certificate, suitable for framing, identifying you as a Christian Reconciler™. Or choose a handsome engraved plaque for an additional fee!

Online Showcase
You may optionally highlight your profile while you are online and ready to assist our website visitors. Interact with them entirely through our website and keep your contact details as private as you wish.

Chat With Reconcilers & Students!
Chat with one person, or chat with a group! You have exclusive access to chat privately with other reconcilers OR with students in our online courses (i.e. Personal Peacemaking) who you are mentoring or coaching!

Reconciler Bookstore
Make your resources available through our Reconciler Bookstore

Online Appointment Booking
Your clients may schedule appointments with you directly from your profile! This is great for scheduling initial inquiry consultations. Upload your google or outlook calendar to avoid being double-booked!

Promotion of Reconciliation Ministry
A portion of your annual fee will be dedicated to promoting the ministry of reconciliation and specifically steering those in need of help to the Reconciler Directory. Did you know that for less than 30 cents, an online reconciliation ad results in a click-through of someone seeking help?

Annual Credit Up To $100
Half of the annual fee up to $100 is returned to you as a coupon redeemable for AoR reconciliation resources or events.

Online Model Case Forms
Dozens of updated boilerplate case forms available online and always at your fingertips. Just download and modify for your specific need.

Prepared Reconciliation Prayers
We've assembled 20 reconciliation prayers that you will always have at your fingertips!

Community Dropbox
A site exclusively for reconcilers where you can share your favorite tools, homework assignments, etc. with other reconcilers.

Public Reconciler Directory
A directory open to and promoted to the public for finding reconciliation service providers. Available with Vocational & Professional Reconciler plans, optionally include your profile in this public directory. Customize your own public profile to promote your services. You have complete control of what is shared.

Video Chat Room Customized for Coaching!
This is unprecedented! We all have access to video chat rooms - but they're so cumbersome. We all have access to coaching resources - but they don't do much good when you're coaching someone miles away. But now we've put them all together - a custom video chat room allowing you to share reconciliation resources and scripture directly with your party even if they're a world away.

Online Forums To Stay In Touch
Join an existing conversation or start your own. These forums are a great way to stay connected.

Community Event Calendar
Include your own events on our Community Event Calendar! A great way to promote your events and inspire others in the community!

Community News Alerts
With your professional membership, you can alert the reconciler community to special events or needs! Send to all, or filter the list to your needs. Great for event announcements, prayer requests, relevant & urgent news, etc.

An amount up to 100% of undesignated funds raised through your crowdfunding page will be returned to you as reduced training or conference registration fees. This could literally underwrite your entire ministry of reconciliation!

Teaching License
Those completing the Teaching a Reconciliation Seminar practicum are eligible for a license to teach AoR's reconciliation seminars.

Online Quick Scripture Reference for Coaching
Dozens of the most commonly used passages of scripture organized by coaching topic for swift retrieval.

Prepared Coaching Homework
Scores of effective coaching and mediation homework assignments available online for real-time lookup, download and providing to your party.

Highlight Your Relational Wisdom™ Training
If you are also a Certified Relational Conciliator through RW360, you may highlight that in your profile also!

Private Directory to Find Co-Reconcilers
The Professional Reconciler Plan offers access to the internal directory of all Christian Reconcilers™ to enable you to find other reconcilers for assistance with cases.

Private Website Menu for Christian Reconcilers
You have access to many resources on our website that are exclusive to Christian Reconcilers.

Collect feedback from your clients for your personal growth & improvement and also for sharing feedback through your profile so potential clients can see how your service is appreciated.

Online Coaching Tool
Direct your parties to our FREE Personal Peacemaking online course and, as a reconciler, monitor their progress and use Reconciler Chat to coach them along the way based on their responses!

Online Party Information Forms
IT'S HERE! Invite your parties to provide their information to you via online party information and preliminary issues forms available through your profile. No more cumbersome forms to pass around! Just point them to your profile to fill in the online form, then you can login to privately access and print their case information for your files.

International Network
You will be part of an international network of reconcilers united in the common purpose of serving as ambassadors of reconciliation.

Wholesale Product Purchase Agreement
You are eligible for a wholesale agreement for purchasing AoR-produced product for sale at your own events.

Idol-Exposing Questions Online Reference
Online access to proven coaching questions that help a party discover idols of the heart.

Online Repository of Course Materials
Each of our courses offer many resources provided during class. This online repository keeps them close at hand for you.
Multiple Certificates
We'll provide your certificate based on your completed training after you purchase one of the memberships described below.
Christian Reconciler™ - Coach
Agree to the Standard of Conduct for Christian Conciliation
Agree to utilize the Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation
Pay annual fee (at a level of your choice)
Since the beginning of 2013 have completed a minimum of two Days of Christian Conflict Coaching Training
Christian Reconciler™ - Foundational
Meet the requiremens of Christian Reconciler™ Coach PLUS
Since the beginning of 2013 have completed two Days of Christian Mediation Training, OR
Have been a Certified Christian Conciliator™ anytime since the beginning of 2013
Christian Reconciler™ - Adjudicator
Meet the requirements of Christian Reconciler™ Foundational Certificate PLUS
Christian Reconciler™ - Advanced
Meet the requirements of Christian Reconciler™ Foundational Certificate PLUS
Certified Christian Conciliator™
Meet the requirements of Christian Reconciler™ Advanced Certificate PLUS
Complete the Christian Reconciler™ Certification Program including:
Completing and reporting at least 10 cases involving at least 50 hours of coaching and mediation under the supervision of an assigned Certification Advisor
Review and approval of a Certification Panel of experienced reconcilers
Annual renewal with documented ongoing experience and education is required
Christian Reconciler™ - Specializations
Meet the requirements of Christian Reconciler™ Foundational Training PLUS any/all of:
Completed Reconciling Husbands and Wives
Completed Reconciliation Interim Ministry Practicum
Completed Case Administration Practicum

My Roadmap to becoming a
Christian Reconciler:
Assisted Peacemaking:
Three Membership Levels
you get to choose what's best for you
Volunteer Reconciler
Certificate Suitable for Framing
$50 Coupon for AoR Resources or Training
Online Coaching Tool - Lead parties through Conflict Resolution vs. Reconciliation, track their progress and coach them based on responses
Chat one-on-one or with a group of reconcilers or students
Online Coaching Resources (questions, homework assignments, etc)
100% of funds you raise through Crowdfunding available for your resources and training
Access to discussions in the Reconciler Forum
Optional Online client feedback surveys for your continued improvement
Online repository of Course Materials
Model Case Forms
Group Reconciliation Assistance resources
Teaching a Reconciliation Seminar resources
Read-access to the Community Dropbox to glean expert help and tools from more experienced reconcilers
Vocational Reconciler
Certificate Suitable for Framing
$75 Coupon for AoR Resources or Training
Online Coaching Tool - Lead parties through Conflict Resolution vs. Reconciliation, track their progress and coach them based on responses
Chat one-on-one or with a group of reconcilers or students
Online Coaching Resources (questions, homework assignments, etc)
100% of funds you raise through Crowdfunding available for your resources and training
Access to discussions in the Reconciler Forum
Optional Online client feedback surveys for your continued improvement
Online repository of Course Materials
Model Case Forms
Group Reconciliation Assistance resources
Teaching a Reconciliation Seminar resources
Read-access to the Community Dropbox to glean expert help and tools from more experienced reconcilers
Public profile in Christian Reconciler Directory to highlight your training and services
Option to be highlighted on Online Showcase
Customized Crowdfunding campaigns tailored to your specific ministry
Optionally include client feedback and rating on your profile to alert potential clients to the value of your services
Professional Reconciler
Certificate Suitable for Framing
$100 Coupon for AoR Resources or Training
Online Coaching Tool - Lead parties through Conflict Resolution vs. Reconciliation, track their progress and coach them based on responses
Chat one-on-one or with a group of reconcilers or students
Online Coaching Resources (questions, homework assignments, etc)
100% of funds you raise through Crowdfunding available for your resources and training
Access to discussions in the Reconciler Forum
Optional Online client feedback surveys for your continued improvement
Online repository of Course Materials
Model Case Forms
Group Reconciliation Assistance resources
Teaching a Reconciliation Seminar resources
Write-access to the Community Dropbox allowing you to share your favorite tools with the community
Public profile in Christian Reconciler Directory to highlight your training and services
Option to be highlighted on Online Showcase
Customized Crowdfunding campaigns tailored to your specific ministry
Optionally include client feedback and rating on your profile to alert potential clients to the value of your services
Access to searchable reconciler database, including training details, for effectively locating potential co-reconcilers
Coach's Corner - A Private Video Chat Room customized for Conflict Coaching
Add your own events to the Christian Reconciler Community Calendar
Send Reconciler-Community News Alerts for Upcoming Events, Urgent Needs, Prayer Requests, Etc
Online appointment booking directly from your profile
Share resources through Community Dropbox
Retake/Audit AoR practicums for 80% discount to keep skills fresh.