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CRvR Webinar Recordings

Date and time is at your own convenience


Webinar Recordings

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Date and time is at your own convenience

Webinar Recordings


About the event

As Christians living in a sinful world, we frequently address conflict with the world’s familiar ways. Although we should know better, we often respond to conflict by trying to escape or by attacking others. When we do, relationships are damaged, businesses and careers suffer, and the witness of the church is weakened.

​In this Conflict Resolution vs. Reconciliation seminar, participants learn how to reverse this problem. You will study key Scripture passages and acquire new tools for remembering the basic principles and applying them in everyday conflicts.

You will be challenged in the same way to live, proclaim, and cultivate lifestyles of reconciliation in the family, workplace, and church.

In this engaging and inspiring presentation, you will see how God’s ministry of reconciliation is meant to be lived out in your daily life. You’ll learn practical ways to apply your Christian faith in family, business, church, and legal conflicts. Since…


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