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There Are Resources Available

To Help You NOW

Most Conflicts Can Be Resolved One-on-One (Matthew 5:23-24; Matthew 18:15)

Begin by applying basic concepts in reconciliation to your conflicts.
Cultivating a lifestyle of reconciliation begins with each of us.

Holding Hands in the Sunshine

A FREE Online Course

This online course  will guide you through the basic teaching of Conflict Resolution vs. Reconciliation so that you may find Biblically faithful and Gospel-centered next steps for finding peace.

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Trained Reconcilers Across the Country

We can connect you to qualified reconcilers who are experienced in helping individuals and groups reconcile relationships and negotiate agreements. (Matthew 5:23-24; 18:15-20; Romans 12:9-21; 1 Corinthians 6:1-8; Galatians 6:1)


A Bible Study on Reconciliation for Daily Living

Numerous resources are available to help you through this process. Conflict Resolution vs. Reconciliation is an excellent place to start. This study will walk you through the Biblical truths and promises of Scripture as they apply to our relationships with God and one another as it guides you to be reconciled first to God, and then to others. From our bookstore you may order a copy or download it to your Kindle. Each of the six chapters includes application questions to help you reconcile your relationship as you resolve the conflict.

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You may begin right away by downloading our FREE APP, Proclaiming God's Forgiveness for a summary of Scripture references and application questions. This app will guide you through a Biblical response to your conflict. It's available on both Apple App Store and Google Play.

Get Started Now

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Let us assist you!

We're always ready to help you. A first 30-minute conflict coaching session will not cost you anything. In this 30 minute call we can offer you hope in Christ and give you ideas for next steps to heal the relationship. We can also outline additional options to help you.

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Six Weeks of Daily Reconciliation Devotions

Consider daily devotions that are reconciliation focused. Forgiven to Forgive is an excellent way to review the promises of Scripture as they relate to reconciliation. Each devotion includes a Scripture passage, a meditation and a prayer. It takes just a few minutes each day to reflect on God's Word!

Visit TODAY'S DEVOTION to sign up to receive these daily by SMS or email.

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