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ICC Certification in Biblical Peacemaking
Thank you for your inquiry about becoming a Certified Christian Conciliator™, commissioned to serve as a called, gifted, and skilled biblical peacemaker. The following information will outline the application and requirements for the ICC Certification Program as well as help with frequently asked questions.
For over 30 years (see History of Christian Conciliation), the Institute for Christian Conciliation has provided education, training, conciliation, and consultation services to churches and Christian organizations who seek to establish peacemaking discipleship for ministry leaders and opportunities for biblically faithful conflict reconciliation including conflict coaching, biblical mediation, and Christian arbitration when there are relational or legal disputes to resolve and reconcile.
As an ICC Certified Christian Conciliator™, you will become a highly skilled and trained biblical peacemaker ready to assist individuals or a group find hope again through the biblically faithful principles of peacemaking.
Being a peacemaker will change you. Your studies as a peacemaker will bring personal reflection and (at times) even a spiritual battle that will challenge you. This is why we recommend that you complete Certification and be a part of the decades-long peacemaking fellowship through the ICC. Consider joining with several of your friends to initiate a church peacemaking team. Biblical peacemaking is a remarkable adventure that changes us all and brings vitality to the mission of Matthew 5:9.
ICC Certified Christian Conciliators™ have taken a faithful step forward to specialize in conflict coaching, mediation, and arbitration. They share a Statement of Faith and a commitment to Standards of Conduct. Within the fellowship of the ICC, they affirm the ICC Distinctives and abide by a common set of guidelines and Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation. Further, the community of conciliators hold one another accountable with this Grievance Policy. They serve within their local churches and organizations but are also available as a part of the ICC network as together we respond to requests for assistance in service to the AoR mission:
Equipping Christians and their churches for living, proclaiming and cultivating lifestyles of reconciliation.
The Application Process
To apply for ICC Certification, begin by reading the documents at the links above. If they match your convictions, then begin your journey today with our ICC Certification Personal Progress Wizard. You’ll find a complete overview of requirements and a summary of the application process and estimated costs.
Your first prerequisites to apply for enrollment in the Certification Training Program are to read and thoroughly study Personal Peacemaking. There are several alternatives available to you:
ICC Certification is Reasonably Priced!
Application Fee
Enrollment Fee
Advanced Training:
Advanced Coaching and Mediation
Foundations of Christian Adjudication
Teaching a Reconciliation Seminar
You must also successfully complete both Coaching People to Reconcile and Mediating People to Reconcile training practicums or ICC-approved alternatives. This training is valid for five years.
The ICC Certification Training Program
Upon acceptance, new candidates begin casework to complete the required 50 hours of conflict coaching and biblical mediation cases with case report oversight from an assigned ICC Advisor. A total of 10 cases are required, five of which must be mediation cases.
It is up to each candidate to develop opportunities in their local church or community. The ICC does not provide cases. The ICC will encourage candidates as they raise awareness in their community and church about ways to resolve conflict in a biblically faithful manner.
Throughout the 1 to 3 year Certification Training Program, candidates are also required to take additional advanced training courses:
During this process, all candidates are invited to be a part of the fellowship of Certified Christian Conciliators™.
During the review process, a Candidate Review committee considers the entirety of the work done during their candidacy prior to approval for graduation. The review includes the ICC Advisor recommendation, instructor evaluations, case reports and evaluations, feedback, and pastoral references. Graduates can be conferred the designation of ICC Certified Christian Conciliator™.
Annual Renewal
Reporting Continued Education and Experience
ICC Certified Christian Conciliators™ are required to renew their certification annually. This includes payment of a renewal fee and yearly requirements for ongoing education, experience, and an annual reference from their pastor.