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Christian Mediation Process
Start in the Word

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
We'll start by studying God's Word and covering Conflict Resolution vs Reconciliation both individually and through homework assignments given by your conciliators (reconcilers) in pre-mediation meetings.
Apply the Word

Your conciliator (reconciler) will meet with parties to help them apply Scripture to their dispute, challenging with God's Law and comforting with His Gospel. We call this "pre-mediation coaching" and it is focused on preparing parties for a fruitful experience in mediation.

This culminates with the reconciler leading the parties in Christian Mediation where, by God's grace, the parties can reconcile personal offenses and resolve material issues.
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ICC Christian Mediation
The Institute for Christian Conciliation provides complete biblical mediation and faith-based Alternate Dispute Resolution [ADR] services. Below is your informational guide to the process, forms, and fees required for mediation. Mediation is recommended prior to arbitration services, if possible. Click to see ICC Arbitration Services.
Submit a Request for Mediation
The first step in the submission process is to notify the ICC Office by email that a case is coming in. At the same time, all primary parties need to fill out the required Intake forms: For each Individual and one for the Organization (if applicable). “A required filing fee of $600 can be shared by the parties or paid in full by one party.
Contact the ICC
Contact the ICC Office notifying us that a case is being submitted so that we can (1) be in contact with you, and (2) watch for your information coming in.
Contact the ICC
Send In Forms
Each person involved needs to submit an online Information Form and Preliminary Statement of Issues Form. Additionally, organizations need a decision-maker to submit the same forms on the organization's behalf. These forms are shared with your ICC Conciliator so that they can be familiar with your issues and concerns. Mediations are private. Only parties submitting a form and a signed mediation contract are privy to the confidential discussions and proceedings. In this way, you can be sure that private conversations take place in a safe and respectful process. They are never meant to become public or used in a court.
Send In Forms
Submit Filing Fee
The filing fee is a submission fee that allows the ICC to officially consider and review the case documents that are being submitted. As an impartial organization, we cannot contact parties for you but encourage you to make certain (before you submit the fee) that all parties are in agreement by choice or contract to participate in the ICC mediation process. This fee is non-refundable and it is the first of three fees required: filing fee, case administration fee, and a retainer fee to cover your mediator's hourly rate and expenses. You may send checks to ICC, P.O Box 81662, Billings, MT 59108, OR you may pay by credit card with the buttons below. NOTE: a 3.33% convenience fee is added to credit card payments.
Submit Filing Fee
When Your Case Is Accepted
Case administration is an important part of the mediation process; a non-refundable payment of $1,500 covers up to 15 hours of case management. Additional hours are invoiced at $100 per hour. Services include, but are not limited to, important arrangements, schedules, forms, and conciliator services. NOTE: Complex cases requiring attorney expertise for case administration will be assessed an additional $800 for an initial two (2) hours of case administration consultation. All ICC services include case administration.
We'll recommend a mediator from our network of ICC Certified Christian Conciliators™ who will meet the approval of all parties. Based on the hourly rate of your selected mediator, a full estimate of services (called a "retainer") and a contract will be sent for signatures. The retainer estimate is paid prior to services and held in trust by Ambassadors of Reconciliation, for payments to your mediator.
The full cost of your mediation will be ICC's Case Administration fees plus the mediator's hours and expenses invoiced and could be less or more than the retainer estimate.
When all contracts are signed and retainer received, your mediator will contact you to begin all services.
Case Admin Fee
The ICC does not provide mediation services without case administration. Your case administration fee authorizes your Case Manager to communicate to all parties, coordinate confidential information, and assist the conciliator. The Case Manager can begin when the required non-refundable fee of $1,500 is received; it can be paid either by one party or shared equally by all parties after a case is approved. NOTE: Complex cases requiring attorney expertise for case administration will be assessed an additional $800 for an initial two (2) hours of case administration consultation. You may send checks to ICC, P.O Box 81662, Billings, MT 59108, OR you may pay by credit card with the buttons below. NOTE: a 3.33% convenience fee is added to credit card payments.
Case Admin Fee
Case Management Begins
With the payment of the case administration fee, the Case Manager is now authorized to contact all parties (and, if desired, legal counsel or pastors) regarding confidential and specific case details, case preparation, documentation and contracts, scheduling, and assistance to all contracted parties and the Certified Christian Conciliator(s) serving. The Case Manager follows the Rules of Procedure and is available for all questions.
Case Management Begins
Mediator Selection
The Case Manager will contact qualified mediators in the ICC network on your behalf. The selection process is based on the following five considerations: experience, expertise, availability, affordability, and location. The Case Manager will select one or more Certified Christian Conciliators™ to serve on the case with your approval and provide you with their resume, hourly rates, and an estimate of the full cost of the mediation including expenses. If this meets with everyone's approval, the Case Manager will provide a contract for all parties and the conciliator.
Mediator Selection
Payment of Retainer
The selected Certified Christian Conciliator™ reviews the case and determines the full estimated cost of services including hourly fees and all expenses. This retainer estimate is paid in advance by the parties to Ambassadors of Reconciliation, to be held in trust. The ICC assists both the parties and the conciliator by providing the administration of all payments. Excess retainer funds that are not needed are returned. If the retainer is insufficient, the Case Manager notifies the parties and, if necessary, will pause the mediation process until the additional funds are received. You may send checks to ICC, P.O Box 81662, Billings, MT 59108.
Payment of Retainer
Mediation Contracts
A mediation contract outlines the scope and limitation of services, principles of confidentiality, and legal disclaimers to clearly communicate what you can expect in the mediation. All parties must sign and date a contract in order to participate in the mediation. A contract is a legal agreement based on the Rules of Procedure and it is important for all parties to read and understand both the contract and Rules prior to signing. Your Case Manager is available for any questions that you might have.
Mediation Contracts
Mediation Preparation
Prior to mediation, your ICC mediator will meet with you by phone or web-conference to get to know you, understand and clarify the issues from your point-of-view, answer any questions, and assign pre-mediation preparation to assist in the success of your mediation. Most importantly, your mediator will begin to share relevant key biblical principles for you to study that will be applicable for this case but also of value for any conflict you have lifelong.
Mediation Preparation
Extended Mediations
Extended mediations are for conflicts that will require more than one full day of mediation. In order to serve each individual with honor and respect, the ICC will suggest an extended mediation if it is warranted. These options can be important for communities, organizations, businesses, or families in conflict.
One example of an extended mediation uniquely for groups experiencing conflict such as a family discord, workplace tension and disputes, or disunity in a church or organization is an ICC process for Group Reconciliation Assistance.
An ICC Assessment allows an ICC Lead Conciliator to determine the nature, scope, and time needed to address a complex conflict. Beginning with back-to-back interviews with all primary parties, the ICC Lead Conciliator will carefully review and report findings with a proposal of recommendations. These recommendations are presented as phases for optional and continued ICC services that are uniquely created for the group.
The assessment process can be approximately a three day visit (longer if needed) or an online series of surveys and web interviews. The cost of an ICC Assessment is in the range of $3000-4000 plus expenses. Recommendations for additional services are entirely optional.
An additional mediator (a co-conciliator) can provide a strong balance of expertise, experience, and perspective. Sometimes this balance is crucial and other times it is necessary because of the issues or the number of parties involved. A co-conciliator is always an ICC Certified Christian Conciliator™ or ICC candidate, but additionally there may be present a trusted pastor who has empathy for all parties involved. The Case Manager can require that a co-conciliator be present if it is in the best interests of all concerned.
Proposed Phases
After an ICC Assessment or following a mediation, the Certified Christian Conciliator™ or Case Manager can propose next steps or "Optional Phases" for continued conflict resolution, peacemaking discipleship, or consultation services. These phases will generally stem from the observations the ICC has made in the Intake Forms or summary reports and are highly recommended for consideration. Continued services are provided through the ICC and your Case Manager will be your primary contact.
Proposed Phases
Breaking Impasse
Impasse occurs when parties in the mediation reach a point where there is not a clear path to resolution. Certified Christian Conciliators™ are well-versed in a variety of options to help the parties find new solutions to the issues. Some of these options include: additional conflict coaching; recommended reading; application of Scripture on particular issues; consultation with a pastor, advocate, doctor, or attorney; or a separate smaller mediation prior to the intended course of action, in accordance with Matthew 18:15. Often these techniques can help the parties move past impasse and find a peaceful resolution.