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God's Commandments Violated in Conflict

Writer: Dwight SchettlerDwight Schettler

What does conflict reveal about my heart?

Conflict Resolution vs Reconciliation - Lesson 2 - Repent Before God, Question 3, p. 28

In the example of the teenager who yells at her parents, calling them "dictators" and slamming her door, we can observe a series of actions that conflict with God's commandments. These actions reflect deeper heart issues that the commandments are designed to address.

The First Commandment, "You shall have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3), is broken when the teenager places her own desires and will above the respect and honor due to her parents and ultimately to God. By reacting with anger and disrespect, the teenager idolizes her own emotions and perspective, dismissing the godly authority of her parents. This act of rebellion indicates a heart that prioritizes self over God, effectively making her desires an idol.

Furthermore, the Fourth Commandment, "Honor your father and your mother" (Exodus 20:12), is clearly violated here. The teenager's disrespectful attitude and hurtful words show a blatant disregard for the honor and obedience commanded by God towards one's parents. The lack of respect and the injurious language undermine the family structure and the authority that parents hold, which is ordained by God for the child's welfare and growth.

Additionally, the Fifth Commandment, "You shall not murder" (Exodus 20:13), extends beyond the act of physically taking a life to encompass attitudes and words that harm others emotionally or spiritually. Jesus teaches in Matthew 5:21-22 that anger and insults are subject to judgment. The teenager's aggressive words and actions are harmful, and destructive.

In light of these sins, Proverbs 28:13 offers wisdom and hope: "Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy." Through confession and turning away from sin, we receive mercy and the strength to overcome our sinful tendencies. The Holy Spirit enables us to honor God and others rightly, reflecting the love and grace we have received.

The teenager's actions against his parents violate multiple commandments by elevating his desires above God, showing disrespect, and causing emotional harm. Yet, the Gospel offers hope and restoration through Christ, inviting us to repent and live in the freedom and grace He provides.


This blog series is adapted from Conflict Resolution vs Reconciliation. You can experience this teaching in several ways:


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