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How is Gossip a Sin Against the First Commandment?

Writer: Dwight SchettlerDwight Schettler

What are some of the idols of the heart?

Conflict Resolution vs Reconciliation - Lesson 2 - Repent Before God, Question 13, p. 31

Gossip, in its essence, is more than just idle talk or rumor-spreading. It is an affront to the first commandment, "You shall have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3). This commandment calls us to place God above all else, honoring Him with our thoughts, words, and deeds. When we gossip, we elevate our own judgments and desires above God’s, thus committing idolatry.

Gossip reflects a heart that seeks to tear others down rather than build them up. It prioritizes our need for self-validation over God's command to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:39). By indulging in gossip, we fail to trust in God's sovereignty and justice, implicitly putting our own opinions and judgments in His place. This act of placing ourselves above God is a direct violation of the first commandment.

Moreover, gossip creates division and strife, which opposes the unity and love that God desires among His people. James 4:11 warns, "Do not speak evil against one another, brothers." By speaking ill of others, we disrupt the harmony that God commands us to maintain, thereby dishonoring Him. Furthermore, even listening to gossip without asking the gossiper to cease is a violation of this commandment, as it shows complicity and a disregard for God's call to uphold truth and love.

Despite the weight of this sin, God’s forgiveness through Christ is abundantly available. 1 John 1:9 assures us, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Through genuine repentance and faith in Jesus, we can receive God’s forgiveness and be restored to a right relationship with Him.

Gossip is a sin against the first commandment as it elevates our own desires above God’s will, disrupts the unity He desires, and dishonors His sovereignty. Yet, through Christ’s sacrifice, we have the promise of forgiveness and the call to live in a way that honors God and loves others.


This blog series is adapted from Conflict Resolution vs Reconciliation. You can experience this teaching in several ways:


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