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Lesson 5: Forgive as God Forgave You

Writer: Dwight SchettlerDwight Schettler

The following posts comprise lesson 5, Forgive as God Forgave You

  1. Forgive as God Forgave You

  2. False Substitute for Forgiveness: Excusing

  3. False Substitute for Forgiveness: Punishing

  4. False Substitute for Forgiveness: Earning

  5. False Substitute for Forgiveness: Recalling

  6. God's Forgiveness Does Not Excuse Our Sins

  7. God's Forgiveness: Christ Provides Payment in Full

  8. God's Forgiveness: An Unconditional Gift

  9. God's Forgiveness: A Promise of a New Beginning

  10. God's Forgiveness: Freedom from Condemnation

  11. God's Forgiveness: We Are Washed Clean and Righteous

  12. Forgive Us Our Debts As We Forgive ...

  13. Why is it So Difficult to Forgive as God Has Forgiven Us?

  14. When I Forgive: I Demonstrate My Faith In Christ

  15. When I Forgive: I Demonstrate My Belief that Christ Died for the Sins of All People

  16. When I Forgive: I Remember that I am A Forgiven Child of God

  17. When I Forgive: I am a Disciple of Jesus Who Loves Others as God Loves Me

  18. When We Fail to Forgive ...

  19. What Promises Empower Us to Live As God's Children?

  20. Justice or Mercy?

  21. What Consequences Does Forgiveness Always Relieve?

  22. The Earthly Consequence and Forgiveness of Moses

  23. The Forgiveness and Consequences of King David's Sin

  24. Balancing Mercy and Consequences: Restitution

  25. Balancing Mercy and Consequences: Discipline

  26. Balancing Mercy and Consequences: An Example or Warning

  27. Balancing Mercy and Consequences: Avoiding Temptation

  28. The Disciples' Struggle With Forgiveness

  29. When Did or Does God Forgive Me?

  30. Why Isn't Everyone Going to Heaven?

  31. The Relationship Between Repentance and Forgiveness

  32. Why Do We Confront Another About His Sin?

  33. The Disciples Reaction to Jesus' Instruction to Repeatedly Forgive

  34. How Does Forgiveness Relate to the Rebuilding of Trust?

  35. What Instruction Does Scripture Give When We Need to Resolve Material Issues?

  36. What Final Instruction Does Paul Give the Congregation at Philippi?


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