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In Changing Normal, Jolene Kinser seamlessly integrates biblical peacemaking principles with the uplifting narratives of 31 Chinese Christians. This transformative guide directs readers to navigate differences, address lingering conflicts, and restore relationships. Given the stark reality that face, status, power, and cultural expectations often contribute to ongoing conflicts, Changing Normal invites readers to engage with biblical insights for fostering peace within families, churches, and organizations.


The emphasis on multicultural and intergenerational challenges adds a unique dimension to this read. Changing Normal emphasizes Christian conflict resolution for interpersonal relationships and multicultural leadership. It provides solid biblical guidance, practical examples, and actionable steps for cultivating harmonious and loving relationships.


This literary piece serves as a transformative guide, using biblical principles to facilitate resolution in relationships and address conflicts with grace. With over 15 years of experience living cross-culturally in China and earning a Ph.D. in Intercultural Education, Jolene Kinser has discovered the possibilities of biblical peacemaking when responding to conflicts in church, family, or work relationships.


What others are saying about Changing Normal:


"A thoughtful guide to working through differences and a vibrant affirmation that with God all things are possible." - Ken Sande, the founder and President of Relational Wisdom®360 and the author of The Peacemaker, A Biblical Guide for Resolving Personal Conflict

"A must-read book for anyone desiring to learn how to navigate conflict biblically and heal broken inter-generational and cross-cultural relationships." -Laurie Stewart, CEO Peacemaker Ministries

"I wholeheartedly recommend Changing Normal to those seeking to foster healthier relationships and deepen spiritual understanding. It serves as a guide to embody Christ's teachings not only in our personal lives but also in ministry and reconciliation." - Agnes Ip, Ph.D., Founder & CEO of Presence Quotient®, Intergenerational and Multicultural Community Specialist, Seminary Instructor, Leadership and Relationship Consultant, and Marriage and Family Therapist

"A must-read, step-by-step, how-to guide for in-Christ transformation enabling personal relationships to shift from being characterized by energy-sapping conflict to grace-filled joy." -Dr. Diane B. Obenchain, Director of the China Initiative 2014-2021, Senior Professor of Religion, Fuller Theological Seminary

"In Changing Normal, Jolene Kinser challenges the assumption — common across cultures — that we must simply learn to live with unresolved conflict and broken relationships. Kinser's humble, prayerful posture invites readers of all cultural backgrounds into deep personal reflection, the necessary first step toward thriving in relationships." -Dr. Brent Fulton, China Source Founder, author of China's Urban Christians

"Dr. Kinser builds upon rigorous academic research to present profound concepts and insights in a relatable way. Enhanced by heartwarming stories and solid biblical guidance, each chapter invites readers to reflect and create space for peace." -Rev Dr Lim Siew Pik, President, Alpha Omega International College, Malaysia

Changing Normal: Break Through Barriers to Pursuing Peace in Relationships

  • *AoR does not carry this product in stock so please purchase directly from the links in the description. 


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