Although King David thought he covered up his affair with Bathsheba, the only one really deceived was David himself. God sent the prophet Nathan to confront the king about his sin, and when David confessed, to proclaim God's forgiveness. This powerful example of announcing God's grace is taken directly from 2 Samuel 12. It illustrates how to confront sin and declare God's forgiveness. This skit complements the skit "The Latest Buzz". It uses two actors and a narrator, and takes about four minutes. NOTE: You can watch this skit on the DVD Responding to Sexual Temptation in a High Tech Society. If you decide to order this skit, it will be emailed to you with a download link.
Teen Audiences
Target teens and their parents. These skits are great for:
- Youth retreats and live-ins
- Youth-led worship services
- Youth Bible studies
- High school chapels
- Teen camps
- Confirmation retreats