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Homework Dashboard for Reconcilers
Find or create the perfect resource or homework assignment for any situation!
If your reconciler has assigned homework for you, you can find it here on the My Online Resources.
Assignment Builder
1.a. Select an Assignment to Edit

Assignment Number | Title | Time to Complete | Assignment Instructions |
Day 08, “Trust in Me” | Short | ||
Uncovering Idols: Love of Money or Material Possessions | Short | ||
GaBR Lesson 3: Receive God's Forgiveness | Medium | ||
Friends Don't Let Friends Announcement Slide1 No Animation | |||
Responding to Sexual Temptation - Lesson 3 | Medium | ||
Friends Don't Let Friends Announcement Slide2 with Animation | |||
Chapter 02: Live at Peace | Medium | ||
Day 26, "Our Refuge" | Short | ||
Day 33, “Whom Do I Fear Most?” | Short | ||
Day 23, "Wise as a Child" | Short | ||
Day 10, "Pursuing Peace" | Short | ||
Day 03, "The Hope of Things to Come" | Short | ||
Friends Don't Let Friends Announcement Slide1 with Animation | |||
Chapter 7 Homework | Medium | ||
Day 34, "Conflicts a Mission Field?" | Short | ||
Day 04, “Conflict an Opportunity?” | Short | ||
Day 07, "Our Prince of Peace" | Short | ||
Day 14, "The Comfort of God" | Short | ||
Day 32, “Beautiful Feet” | Short | ||
Forgiveness Homework | Medium | ||
Day 29, "Hope in the Midst of Suffering" | Short | ||
Day 39, “A Better Way” | Short | ||
Lesson 4: Confess to the Other Person | Medium | ||
Day 16, "Waiting...in Hope" | Short | ||
Responding to Sexual Temptation - Lesson 1 | Medium | ||
Day 02, "Living Hope and Inexpressible Joy" | Short | ||
Day 41, “The Best Moment in Life” | Short | ||
Day 01, "A Reason for Hope" | Short | ||
Day 37, “In a Most Peculiar Fashion” | Short | ||
Confession Homework | Medium | ||
Day 08, "When Anger Reflects Our Fears" | Short | ||
Lesson 3: Receive God's Forgiveness | Medium | ||
Bitterness Homework | Short | ||
Day 31, “Glorify God in Conflict” | Short | ||
Fear Homework | Long | ||
Day 10, “True Love” | Short | ||
Day 36, “The Great Uncovering” | Short | ||
Authority Homework | Medium | ||
Responding to Sexual Temptation - Lesson 4 | Medium | ||
Uncovering Idols: Improper Desires for Physical Pleasure | Short | ||
Identity Homework | Short | ||
Careless Talk Homework | Medium | ||
Identity Homework | Medium | ||
CRvR Lesson 5: Forgive as God Forgives You | Medium | ||
Day 32, "The Fear of the Lord" | Short | ||
Forgiveness Homework | Short | ||
Chapter 09: Take One or Two Others Along | Medium | ||
Suffering Homework | Short | ||
King David's Servants & David's Idolatry | Short | ||
CRvR Lesson 2: Repent Before God | Medium | ||
Anger Homework | Medium | ||
GaBR Lesson 4: Confess to the Other Person | Medium | ||
Lesson 1: Remember Whose You Are | Medium | ||
Chapter 08: Speak the Truth in Love | Medium | ||
Chapter 5 Homework | Medium | ||
Uncovering Idols: Good Things that I Want too Much | Short | ||
Day 30, "Abundant Life" | Short | ||
Day 09, “Where Can I Get Help?” | Short | ||
Day 13, "Grieving with Hope" | Short | ||
Friends Don't Let Friends Bulletin Announcement | |||
Day 12, "From Suffering to Hope" | Short | ||
Day 19, “God, Help Me!” | Short | ||
GaBR Lesson 6: Restore with Gentleness | Medium | ||
Chapter 06: Confession Brings Freedom | Medium | ||
Love Others Homework | Short | ||
Day 22, "Hope in Suffering Unjustly" | Short | ||
Friends Don't Let Friends Announcement Slide2 No Animation | |||
Guidelines for Confession | Short | ||
GaBR Lesson 2: Repent Before God | Medium | ||
Day 13, “Abundant Life” | Short | ||
Friends Don't Let Friends Bulletin Insert Color | |||
Day 28, “You Want Me To Do What?!” | Short | ||
Careless Talk Homework | Short | ||
Misplaced Trust Homework | Long | ||
Day 06, "The Kind of God We Need" | Short | ||
Day 15, “Log Jam” | Short | ||
Day 42, “Forgiven to Forgive” | Short | ||
Day 09, "New Creation" | Short | ||
Day 31, "Farther than One Can Imagine" | Short | ||
Day 21, “To Bless or To Curse” | Short | ||
Love Others Homework | Medium | ||
Day 14, “So Much to Fight For” | Short | ||
Day 39, "Abounding in Hope" | Short | ||
Day 23, “Forgive Whom?” | Short | ||
Day 20, "An Invitation to the Throne" | Short | ||
Day 19, "Be Peacemakers with Unbelievers?" | Short | ||
Go and Be Reconciled: What Does This Mean? | Short | ||
Chapter 8 Homework | Medium | ||
Day 05, "Bloody Hope" | Short | ||
Day 03, “The Poison of Unforgiveness” | Short | ||
Day 22, “Standing in the Presence of God” | Short | ||
Suffering Homework | Medium | ||
Chapter 4 Homework | Medium | ||
Day 21, "God's Steafast Love! Really?!" | Short | ||
Responding to Sexual Temptation - Lesson 5 | Medium | ||
Day 16, “Downcast and Pleased” | Short | ||
Friends Don't Let Friends Bulletin Insert B&W | |||
Confession Homework | Short | ||
Chapter 13 Homework | Medium | ||
Day 24, “Making the Impossible Possible” | Short | ||
Introduction | Short | ||
Chapter 05: Conflict Starts in the Heart | Medium | ||
Day 38, “Isn’t It About Me?” | Short | ||
Day 20, “Handle with Kid Gloves” | Short | ||
Anger Homework | Short | ||
Day 41, "Victory in Christ!" | Short | ||
Day 07, “Forget Not!” | Short | ||
Lesson 6: Restore with Gentleness | Medium | ||
Chapter 04: Is This Really Worth Fighting Over? | Medium | ||
Day 25, “God Have Mercy on Your Soul” | Short | ||
Day 11, “Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus” | Short | ||
Responding to Sexual Temptation - Lesson 2 | Medium | ||
Day 42, "No Condemnation?! How Can that Be?" | Short | ||
Day 36, "I Can Do It Myself!" | Short | ||
CRvR Lesson 1: Remember Whose You Are | Medium | ||
Responding to Sexual Temptation - Intro | Medium | ||
Pre-Mediation Preparation Worksheet (Conflict Resolution vs. Reconciliation) | Long | ||
Day 02, “Bloody People” | Short | ||
Day 12, “All for God” | Short | ||
Chapter 01: Conflict Provides Opportunities | Medium | ||
Chapter 10:
Forgive as God Forgave You | Medium | ||
Bitterness Homework | Medium | ||
King David's Servants & the Servant's Idolatry | Short | ||
Day 17, "Whom Do You Fear" | Short | ||
Day 26, “Confession and Forgiveness” | Short | ||
Chapter 6 Homework | Medium | ||
Chapter 07: Just Between the Two of You | Medium | ||
Day 24, "A Tale of Two Workers" | Short | ||
Day 38, "Finally Friday" | Short | ||
CRvR Lesson 6: Restore with Gentleness | Medium | ||
Day 27, "It's Not Just about You!" | Short | ||
Day 11, "The End to Hostilities" | Short | ||
Authority Homework | Short | ||
Day 25, "I Can't Forgive Myself!" | Short | ||
Lesson 5: Forgive as God Forgives You | Medium | ||
Day 06, “Fights and Quarrels” | Short | ||
Day 40, “Forgive, and Forgive, and Forgive…” | Short | ||
Day 35, "A Foremost Sinner" | Short | ||
GaBR Lesson 5: Forgive as God Forgives You | Medium | ||
Day 40, "Dealing with Shame" | Short | ||
Day 27, “Clueless” | Short | ||
Chapter 03: Trust in the Lord and Do Good | Medium | ||
Day 18, “How’s Your Attitude?” | Short | ||
Chapter 15 Homework | Medium | ||
Day 04, "When Life Gets Stormy" | Short | ||
Chapter 11: Look Also to the Interests of Others | Medium | ||
CRvR Lesson 3: Receive God's Forgiveness | Medium | ||
Wounded in Heart & Soul | Medium | ||
Day 30, “I Can’t Forgive Myself!” | Short | ||
Lesson 2: Repent Before God | Medium | ||
Day 15, "Worried about Tomorrow?" | Short | ||
Responding to Sexual Temptation in a High Tech Society | Long | ||
Day 29, “Keeping Cross-Eyed” | Short | ||
Day 33, "Troubled Hearts" | Short | ||
Uncovering Idols: Pride and Arrogance | Short | ||
CRvR Lesson 4: Confess to the Other Person | Medium | ||
Day 17, “Me, a Witness?” | Short | ||
Day 35, “At Peace” | Short | ||
Uncovering Idols: Fear of Man | Short | ||
Day 28, "Who Leads Them to Truth?" | Short | ||
Chapter 3 Homework | Medium | ||
Cravings Homework | Short | ||
GaBR Lesson 1: Remember Whose You Are | Medium | ||
Development of an Idol | Short | ||
Day 18, "Help in Our Weakness" | Short | ||
Day 37, "What's in a Name?" | Short | ||
Day 34, “The Pause that Revives” | Short | ||
Cravings Homework | Long | ||
Day 05, “As Good as the Paper It’s Written On” | Short | ||
Chapter 14 Homework | Medium | ||
Misplaced Trust Homework | Short | ||
Pre-Mediation Preparation Worksheet (Go and Be Reconciled) | Long | ||
Chapter 12: Overcome Evil with Good | Medium | ||
Fear Homework | Short | ||
Chapter 1 & 2 Homework | Medium | ||
Day 01, “Unaware of Our Need for Rescue” | Short | ||
1 | Make your own descriptive title | Short | Give complete instructions for the assignment |
1 | Make your own descriptive title | Short | Give complete instructions for the assignment |
1 | Development of an Idol | Short | Review the Development of an Idol from the Bible study before answering the question below. |
1 | Assignment 1.1 CERT HOMEWORK | Short | Welcome to your first Certification module!
For the first 10 months of this year, we will be providing you with a learning module to help enrich your Certification process. Not only will it help build background and skill, it will encourage community with other Candidates in the program.
In this first module you will be watching the 2022 ICC Certification Graduation held in October of 2022. Once you have viewed this, you will answer some questions related to the video. Take the time to read other responses to the questions and respond to at least two others.
To view the 2022 ICC Certification Graduation, click here. |
1 | Make your own descriptive title | Short | Give complete instructions for the assignment |
1 | Assessing Relational Impact of an Idol | Medium | This is to provide some traction from our last meeting. |
1 | Ephesians 5:22-33 (military) | Short | 1) Read Ephesians 5:22-33
a. What does “wives, submit to your husbands” mean to you? How is that demonstrated in your marriage?
b. What does, “husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church” mean to you? How is that demonstrated in your marriage?
c. Looking at your current conflict, what are some things (words and actions) you could do to demonstrate Ephesians 5 love to your wife in such a way that she feels loved?
d. What words or actions does your wife use to let you know she is feeling "Ephesians 5 love" from you? What feedback would you need from her to communicate that she is feeling loved (if different)?
2) How would you describe yourself as an Ephesians 5 bride with Christ as your groom?
3) Describe your military leadership style.
4) Compare your military leadership style to Ephesians 5. How is it similar? How is it different? How does you leadership style creep into your family/marriage leadership? |
1 | Make your own descriptive title | Short | Give complete instructions for the assignment |
1 | ICC Certification Candidate Program Module 1.1 | Long | ICC CERTIFICATION PROGRAM - MODULE 1.1
Welcome to your first Certification Module!
For the first 10 months of this year, we will be providing you with a learning module each month to help enrich your Certification process. Not only will it help build background and skill, it will encourage community with other Candidates in the program.
In this first module you will be watching the recent ICC Certification Graduation held in October of 2022. Once you have viewed this, you will answer some questions related to the video. Take the time to read the responses provided by other Candidates in the program, and respond to at least two others.
To begin, click on the link to view the 2022 ICC Certification Graduation - https://www.aorhope.org/videos/ICC221121.
Once you have viewed the video, please answer the questions below. |
1 | Make your own descriptive title | Short | Give complete instructions for the assignment |
1 | Anger | Medium | This is a test to see if it works. |
1 | Romans 12:9-21 | Short | Read through Romans chapter 12, verse 9 through 21.
What are my responsibilities in this conflict? What are the responsibilities of the other party? What is the role of the Holy Spirit? Who does this passage indicate that I am to respond to in these ways (other believers only)? |
2 | CRvR Lesson 1 | Short | Give complete instructions for the assignment |
2 | Make your own descriptive title | Short | Give complete instructions for the assignment |
2 | assignment #2 | Short | these are the instructions for the second assignment |
2 | Make your own descriptive title | Short | Give complete instructions for the assignment |
2 | James, the letter to you and me | Medium | Read the entire book of James (often called the New Testament book of wisdom), daily, for a week. Do not look up references. Do not employ any other Bible study techniques. Simply read the letter all the way through daily for a week, as if it were a letter written to you, individually. This should only take 5-10 minutes per day.
Think about, meditate on what you are reading.
Where does God's Word tell me that conflict comes from? What does God's Word say about the remedy to my conflict? |
2 | 1st John and James | Medium |
2 | Make your own descriptive title | Short | Give complete instructions for the assignment |
2 | Make your own descriptive title | Short | Give complete instructions for the assignment |
2 | ICC Certification Candidate Program - Rules 1.1 | Medium | |
3 | 1st Corinthians 13 | Medium | 1. Read 1st Corinthians 13:4-7 2. 1st John 4:8 tells us that "...God is love". Take a moment to re-read 1st Corinthians 13:4-7 and replace the word "love" with "God". 3. As you reflect on this reading and your relationship, please answer the questions below. |
3 | ICC Certification Candidate Program Living By the Standards 1.1 | Medium | |
3 | Development of an Idol | Short | Review the "Development of an Idol" on the Proclaiming God's Forgiveness form. Then answer these questions: |
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Question Editor
1.c. Select a Question to Edit

Lesson Number | Question Number | Question Text |
01 | Forgive as God Forgave You 1. How has your opponent sinned against you? | |
01 | 1. What would happen if everyone did as he or she pleased without any restraint? | |
01 | 1. By nature, I am:
| |
01 | 1. Review the narrative in Genesis 3.
| |
01 | 1. What are some of the meanings of the phrase “I’m sorry?” | |
01 | 1. Since God’s Law tells us what He wants us to do and not to do, sin is breaking God’s Law. Working with this definition of sin, would you say that being angry is sinful? Why or why not? | |
01 | 1. What is appropriate about each person’s original desires? | |
01 | After reading pages 11-53, discuss together these questions from the end of Chapter 2: 1. What has been your average worship attendance for the last ten years? What are the trends you have observed in attendance? | |
01 | 1. Identify what is biblically false or weak in the following: - Excusing: Phrases such as That’s okay, No problem, or Don’t worry about it. | |
01 | 1. Fill in the blanks for this common phrase. What are your thoughts on this statement? “Sticks and ________ may break your ________ but _________will never _________ you.” | |
01 | 1. Read the following selections: Philippians 2:3-4, Matthew 22:37-39, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, Matthew 5:43-48, 1 Peter 4:8-9, 1 John 3:16, Proverbs 10:12, Galatians 5:14
| |
01 | 1. Recall the Commandment, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). What does this Commandment have to do with bitterness? Respond to the deeper meaning to “murder” as described in the following verses: | |
02 | 2. How is each one sinning to get what he or she wants? | |
02 | 2. Fill in the blank for this common phrase. What are your thoughts on this statement? “Talk is _________.” | |
02 | 2. How do you personally respond to others when you are angry? | |
02 | 2. Which of these sins has your opponent confessed? | |
02 | 2. Consider Luther’s explanation of this Commandment: We should fear and love God, and so we should not endanger our neighbor’s life, nor cause him any harm, but help and befriend him in every necessity of life. In this Commandment our Lord forbids us to keep _____________ and _____________ in our hearts against our neighbor. | |
02 | 2. An ______________ of God. (Romans 5:10) | |
02 | 2. Read the following selections: Philippians 2:3-4, Matthew 22:37-39, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, Matthew 5:43-48, 1 Peter 4:8-9, 1 John 3:16, Proverbs 10:12, Galatians 5:14
| |
02 | 2. What qualifiers do people use to minimize their sin when saying they are sorry? | |
02 | 2. In the home - Ephesians 6:1-3. God commands children to obey their parents in the Lord. We are to honor our _____________ and ______________. | |
02 | 2. Review the narrative in Genesis 3.
| |
02 | 2. What are your congregation’s total number of baptized and communicant members? Any trends that you have observed in membership changes for the last ten years? | |
02 | 2. Punishing: You deserve my judgment, condemnation, and punishment. | |
03 | 3. Do you hold it in or let it out? | |
03 | 3. Earning: I won’t forgive you until you deserve it or earn it. | |
03 | 3. Read Leviticus 19:17-18.
| |
03 | 3. Which of the unconfessed sins can you overlook and forgive at this time? (Those that cannot be overlooked will have to be dealt with by applying the principles taught in chapters 7-9) | |
03 | 3. Instead of murdering others in our hearts, our Lord calls us to a different action. What alternatives does He teach us in the following verses? | |
03 | 3. What is the total number of individual adults that regularly attend Bible study during the week? (This may be different than the total attendance of Bible studies throughout the week, since some individuals may attend more than one Bible study, and others may not attend every week but are regularly involved.) Have there been any trends in the attendance over the last few years? a. What percentage of the average worship attendance attends Bible study? b. How does your percentage compare to the healthy churches surveyed in Chapter 2 of Built on the Rock: The Healthy Congregation? | |
03 | 3. In the home - Ephesians 6:4. God instructs parents to exercise their authority in such a way as to not ______________ their children to anger, but rather bring them up in the ________________ and the instruction of the Lord. | |
03 | 3. Read 2 Corinthians 7:10. The apostle Paul contrasts godly grief or sorrow with worldly grief or sorrow. How would you distinguish godly sorrow from worldly sorrow? | |
03 | 3. In the three examples above, who is the main focus of each person’s passion? | |
03 | 3. Fill in the blank for this common phrase. What are your thoughts on this statement? “Why can’t I say it, after all it’s the ___________.” | |
03 | 3. Review the narrative in Genesis 3.
| |
03 | 3. One who daily _________________ with my sinful nature. (Romans 7:14-25) | |
04 | 4. How many lay leaders do you have? How many lay leaders are involved in Bible study? a. What percentage of your leaders are in Bible study? b. How does your percentage compare to the healthy congregations surveyed in Chapter 2? | |
04 | 4. In the home - Ephesians 5:21-33. Husbands and wives both have responsibilities toward each other. In verse 21, Christians are called to __________________ to one another out of reverence for Christ. Husbands are called to ____________ their wives as Christ loved the church (even to the point of dying for the church). Wives are called to _____________to their husbands as the church submits to Christ. | |
04 | 4. Genesis 4:8-15 (conflicts between Cain and God, and Cain and Abel)
| |
04 | 4. Make the first decision of forgiveness: Admit that vou cannot forgive on Your own, and ask God to change your heart. | |
04 | 4. Read 2 Corinthians 7:10. The apostle Paul contrasts godly grief or sorrow with worldly grief or sorrow. What are some of the ways that an “apology” can fail to express godly sorrow? | |
04 | 4. What does the Bible teach about grumbling and complaining? | |
04 | 4. Read the following: Proverbs 14:17 Proverbs 15:1 Proverbs 29:22
| |
04 | 4. Read Leviticus 19:17-18.
| |
04 | 4. Recalling: I will never let you forget what you did! | |
04 | 4. Consider Luther’s explanation of this Commandment: We should fear and love God, and so we should not endanger our neighbor’s life, nor cause him any harm, but help and befriend him in every necessity of life. In this Commandment our Lord requires us to be _______________ and kind and ________________ towards our neighbor. | |
04 | 4. Read 2 Corinthians 5:14-15. How does the focus on serving ourselves first contrast with what God expects? | |
04 | 4. Unclean and worthless, a _______________who has nothing to offer God. | |
05 | 5. Review the narrative of Cain and Abel’s relationship in Genesis 4:3-8.
| |
05 | 5. Read the following: Ephesians 4:25-27 James 1:19-20
| |
05 | 5. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16). What is forbidden in this Commandment? · Telling _____________________________ about our neighbor: (Proverbs 12:17-18, Proverbs 19:5, Ephesians 4:25) | |
05 | 5. Condemned to be _________________ from God eternally. | |
05 | 5. Read 2 Corinthians 7:10. The apostle Paul contrasts godly grief or sorrow with worldly grief or sorrow. What other words or phrases are used to minimize sin rather than take full responsibility for it? | |
05 | 5. How does the focus on serving ourselves first relate to idolatry? | |
05 | 5. In the workplace - Ephesians 6:5-9. Servants are called to _____________their earthly masters as they would Christ himself. Masters are required to exercise their ___________________ with care since they too are subject to their ________________ in heaven. | |
05 | 5. List your Bible study opportunities including descriptions of what is done during your Bible studies. Identify whether you could offer more studies or variety in studies. | |
05 | 5. Note how each of the following passages applies to this situation. | |
05 | 5. Matthew 14:1-11 (the execution of John the Baptist)
| |
05 | 5. Read John 13:1-20.
| |
05 | 5. My sins are not excused; God’s justice required _______________. | |
06 | 6. Paul tells us to imitate God in Ephesians 5:1-2.
| |
06 | 6. Luke 13:1-5 (reflection of those executed by Pilate and killed by a falling tower)
| |
06 | 6. My sins needed to be punished: Christ ___________ the full price for my sins. | |
06 | 6. In the church - 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; Hebrews 13:17. We are called to esteem very highly in love and obey those who have authority over us in the Lord (pastors, elders, teachers, etc.), for they are keeping watch over our souls, as those who will have to give an _________________. | |
06 | 6. In Christ, I am:
| |
06 | 6. How might our passions drive us to sin against this commandment? We demonstrate that we have false gods in our hearts when instead of fearing, loving, and trusting God above all things:
| |
06 | Review the narrative of Cain and Abel’s relationship in Genesis 4:3-8.
| |
06 | 6. Go as a ________________. | |
06 | 6. According to Ephesians 4:26, how long are we to hold on to our anger? | |
06 | 6. Every church encounters conflicts, whether between key leaders or among the membership. Describe a situation involving a serious conflict. How did your church leaders and members respond to the situation? | |
06 | 6. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16). What is forbidden in this Commandment? Revealing ___________________ about our neighbor: (Proverbs 11:11-13, Proverbs 20:19) | |
06 | 6. Write the four promises you will make to your opponent to indicate your forgiveness. (PM @ 207-210) "By God's grace ...
| |
07 | 7. The following examples include reasonable apprehensions that can evolve into idolatrous fears. How might someone sin in order to protect himself against these fears? (Think of desperate actions to avoid losing something precious.)
List other fears that might become idolatrous. | |
07 | 7. My forgiveness is _______ _________________ upon my works. I cannot do anything to earn or deserve God’s forgiveness – it’s a free gift. | |
07 | 7. Acts 16:16-24 (Paul and Silas imprisoned)
| |
07 | 7. __________ your sin. | |
07 | 7. Read Hebrews 12:15. What is the significance of the words “root of bitterness?” (Where do roots grow?) | |
07 | 7. A ____________ creature through Him. (2 Corinthians 5:16-17) | |
07 | 7. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16). What is forbidden in this Commandment? · Slandering or ________________ another’s reputation: (Matthew 18:15, Luke 6:37, James 3:1-12; 4:11) | |
07 | 7. In the church - 1 Peter 5:1-3. Those who serve as leaders in the church have responsibility to serve not for shameful gain, but with eagerness; not __________________over those in their charge, but serving as examples. (Note also Paul’s instruction to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12-16.) | |
07 | 7. Reflecting on Chapters 1 and 2 of Built on the Rock, list some of the obvious indicators of spiritual wellness in your church. | |
07 | 7. What is the danger of holding on to anger that is described in the above verses? | |
07 | 7. Circle the promise that will be the hardest for you to keep. Why is it the hardest? | |
07 | 7. Read Romans 12:14.
| |
08 | 8. In the community - Romans 13:1-7. In writing to the church in Rome, which had a government that openly persecuted Christians, why does Paul direct the members to be subject to the governing authorities? What are the responsibilities of government officials? | |
08 | 8. If you are having a hard time forgiving your opponent, read Matthew 18:21-35. What is the point of this passage? | |
08 | 8. Taking the _____________ of another person. (Genesis 9:6, Matthew 26:52, Proverbs 6:16-17) | |
08 | ||
08 | 8. My past sins will not be _________________ ______ and used against me. | |
08 | 8. Identify your sins according to ___________ ___________. Indicate which Commandments or portions of Scripture you have violated. You may identify specific thoughts, words, or actions. Sins may include things you have not done (sins of omission). You may also state that your sins against the other person were also sins against God.
| |
08 | 8. List the less obvious indicators of spiritual weakness in your church. | |
08 | 8. Baptized into Christ, adopted into God’s family, changed from an enemy to an ___________. (Galatians 3:26-4:7) | |
08 | 8. Read Proverbs 29:25, in which a common idolatrous fear is identified. What two fears are contrasted? | |
08 | 8. Suffering can be caused by factors _______________ to us or our ______________.
| |
08 | 8. Consider 1 John 4:7-21 as you answer the following:
| |
08 | 8. What is required in this commandment? · _____________________ others when they are defamed: (Proverbs 31:8-9, Ephesians 4:29) | |
09 | 9. Recall how Joseph forgave his brothers in Genesis 50:15-21.
| |
09 | 9. Consider 1 John 4:7-21 as you answer the following:
| |
09 | 9. A beloved ________________ of God, precious in His eyes. (John 1:12-13, 1 John 3:1) | |
09 | 9. Identify how the following phrases reflect fear of man. Think of situations that illustrate these idols. How do these fears lead to other sins?
| |
09 | 9. Express _______________ ________ ______________ your sin has caused. “My sin hurt you by…” or “I am sorry for how my actions hurt you when…” | |
09 | 9. What is required in this commandment? · __________________________ of others, putting the best construction on things: (Ephesians 4:29, Colossians 3:12-14, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7) | |
09 | 9. Hurting or ________________ our neighbor physically, that is to do or ______________ anything which may _____________, shorten, or make his or her life _______________________. (Romans 12:19) | |
09 | 9. What are you learning about the health of your congregation? | |
09 | 9. Suffering can be a consequence of our own _____________________.
| |
09 | 9. In the community - 1 Timothy 2:1-3. What else are we called to do for our leaders? Why? | |
09 | 9. Read Acts 8:9-13 and 18-24. What did the “gall of bitterness” produce in Simon’s life? (v. 18-23) | |
09 | 9. If you continue to struggle with unforgiveness, identify the roadblock by reading pages 213-218 in The Peacemaker. | |
1 | 1. Consider your opponent. How have your thoughts led to think unkind things about him/her? Has this helped or hurt your ability to reconcile? | |
1 | Live at Peace 1. Have you made peace with God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior, Lord, and King? (PM @ 43-45; see John 3:16; Acts 16:31) If not, you can do so right now by sincerely praying this prayer: Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I realize that my good deeds could never make up for my wrongs. I need your forgiveness. I believe that you died for my sins, and I want to turn away from them. I trust you now to be my Savior, and with your help I will follow you as my Lord and King, in the fellowship of your church. If you have prayed this prayer, it is essential that you find fellowship with other Christians in a church where the Bible is faithfully taught and applied. This fellowship will help you to learn more about God and be strengthened in your faith. | |
1 | 1. According to Romans 13:1-2, how are we to respond to authorities? How might this impact the conflict you find yourself in today? | |
1 | 1. What is weighing you down today that you could confess to the Lord? | |
1 | 1. In what ways has your current conflict caused you to feel that your life is missing something important? What good things have you lost or might you lose because of this conflict? | |
1 | 1. Consider a circumstance or relationship in which you find yourself feeling angry. To what extent could your anger help you to understand what you fear? | |
1 | 1. What words would those who know you use to describe you? | |
1 | 1. In your specific conflict, how have you sought godly justice? How have you demonstrated godly mercy? | |
1 | Read pages 225-246 (Part 4 and Chapter 13). 1. What are the major competing factors to Bible study among your members? In what ways can you overcome them? a. If you don’t know what they are, how can you learn what is competing for your members’ time and commitment to Bible study (e.g., incorporating member visits or surveys)? b. How can you intentionally overcome people’s obstacles to spending time in the Word? c. What opportunities can you provide to address scheduling conflicts of congregants? d. How are people currently invited to attend Bible studies in your church? How could you improve the ways you personally invite people to participate? | |
1 | 1. Grieving people often raise the kind of “timing” issue that Martha had. “Why did they have to die now? They could have lived 20, 30, 40 years longer.” Which of God’s promises might you cling to or share that still give hope when we don’t have all the answers? | |
1 | 1. According to 1 Peter 2:24, what does Christ’s forgiveness empower us to do? | |
1 | 1. What has your opponent done or said that keeps getting your attention? | |
1 | 1. As you consider challenges before you, what causes you the most worry? | |
1 | 1. Consider times when you or a loved one suffered for doing right. What were your most immediate and natural reactions towards those injustices? | |
1 | 1. What causes you the most worry? | |
1 | 1. What are your greatest weaknesses when dealing with stress? | |
1 | Trust in the Lord and Do Good 1. Have you been looking at this dispute as something that happened by chance, as something done to you by someone else, or as something that God allowed in your life for a specific purpose? (PM @ 59-65; see Rom. 8:28-29; Ps. 32:10) | |
1 | This video is a dramatization of what may have happened in David's kingdom in the wake of the narrative we read in 2 Samuel 11. This is not a biblical account in that these people are not from Scripture, but what they discuss reflects the events in 2 Samuel 11. While King David's actions are clearly sinful, for this assignment focus on the discussion of Hanna, Mara and Reuban. 1. The facts at the center of this discussion accurately depict the real events. However, is this conversation godly? Why or why not? Reflect on on Ephesians 4:29 as you answer. | |
1 | 1. List situations when waiting in hope is most difficult for you. | |
1 | 1. Consider a current or recent stormy trial in your life. What are (were) your greatest fears? | |
1 | Take One or Two Others Along 1. Are the personal or material issues in this conflict too serious to overlook or walk away from? Why? (Prov. 19:11) | |
1 | 1. Considering a current conflict, identify your primary focus. | |
1 | 1. According to Colossians 3:7-8, what are we to do with our anger? How might this impact the conflict you find yourself in today? | |
1 | 1. In your current struggles, what is keeping you from putting your hope and trust in Christ for peace and joy? | |
1 | 1. Regarding your conflict, which fears hold you captive? | |
1 | After reading Chapter 14 (pages 250-262), answer the following questions. 1. How often are your church’s members visited by anyone from the congregation? | |
1 | 1. What makes rejoicing easy for you to do? a. Is your rejoicing dependent upon circumstances? b. Your actions? c. Your outcomes? d. God’s Plan? | |
1 | 1. Describe a difficult, emotional conflict in your life. What expectations or hopes about the conflict did you have that went unfulfilled? | |
1 | 1. In what ways are you suffering unjustly? | |
1 | 1. Even the apostle Paul struggled with his sinful nature. What thoughts, words, or actions have you recently done or not done that violate God’s commands? (If you have trouble thinking of some, look at Matthew 5:43-48.) | |
1 | 1. Have you ever effectively shut down a conversation with a t-shirt, tweet, poster, or meme? What fruit have such communications bore? | |
1 | 1. What has your opponent kept doing that keeps your attention off your own behaviors and attitudes? | |
1 | 1. After you have considered your own contribution to this conflict (e.g., get the log out of your own eye; see Devotion for Day 15), identify how the other person contributed to this conflict? | |
1 | Open the Proclaiming God's Forgiveness form to the inside-middle panel and review the The Development of an Idol. Then answers these questions. 1. What do you find yourself thinking about much of the time? | |
1 | Open the Proclaiming God's Forgiveness form to the inside-middle panel and review the The Development of an Idol. Then answers these questions. 1. What frustrates you most in the dispute you have with the other person? | |
1 | 1. Read Isaiah 43:1. What comfort do you find in knowing that God not only created you, but He also redeemed you and called you by name? | |
1 | 1. How would you answer someone who asks what Jesus has done for you? | |
1 | 1. What keeps you from considering the interests of others? | |
1 | 1. Think of a time when you struggled making a difficult decision, but you were determined to do it without anyone else’s help. How might your struggle have gone differently if you had asked for God’s help first? | |
1 | 1. Identify at least five specific ways in which you have experienced the steadfast love of the Lord and His mercies for you. (Of course, you can list more!) | |
1 | 1. What hope do you possess in knowing your sins are forgiven you? | |
1 | 1. Consider a specific conflict that resulted in your suffering. In what ways have you struggled to rejoice in your suffering? | |
1 | AN EXERCISE IN SELF-EXAMINATION Spiritual heart disease affects more than all “those other people.” As creatures living with sinful natures, we are all tempted by the idols in our hearts. This exercise in self-examination can help you identify one or more of your idols. As you examine your own heart condition, you are being prepared through repentance for the healing power found in the cross of Christ. Think of a specific conflict where you acted inappropriately. You may have felt these emotions:
With that situation in mind, reflect on the following questions to examine your heart. After reading Chapter 4 (pages 74-88), answer these questions from the end of Chapter 4 for yourself. 1. To recognize idols related to fears, ask yourself these questions: a. What did you want to preserve or avoid at almost any cost? b. In this situation, what or whom did you fear most of all? | |
1 | Is This Really Worth Fighting Over? 1. Describe the material issues in this conflict. | |
1 | 1. When Christians fight, at least ten others are watching. Identify at least seven individuals or groups of people that are aware of your conflict. Be sure to remember your own family. | |
1 | 1. In Psalm 46:10, God assures us, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Identify those situations that trouble you where you need to apply these words today. | |
1 | 1. According to Ephesians 4:21-32, what are we to do with our bitterness? How might this impact the conflict you find yourself in today? | |
1 | 1. Identify what concerns you most about your current unresolved conflict. | |
1 | 1. Who are the princes of this world that tempt you to fear, trust, or love them above the Lord? | |
1 | 1. How does God look at you when He declares you forgiven? (See Romans 8:1.) What happens to your sins? | |
1 | 1. According to 1 John 3:1, whose are you? To whom does your opponent belong? How might remembering this impact the conflict you find yourself in today? | |
1 | ||
1 | 1. Identify three to five sins which have become your “pet sins.” These are the sins we know but don’t trouble us as they should. | |
1 | 1. How has and does God demonstrate his love for you? | |
1 | 1. What would observers conclude when you are in conflict with unbelievers? What would lead them to see a peacemaker (Matthew 5:9) and give glory to God (Matthew 5:16)? | |
1 | 1. According to 1 John 1:8-9: a. What is said of those who claim to have done nothing wrong? b. What is God’s promise when we confess our sins? | |
1 | Conflict Starts in the Heart 1. What am I preoccupied with?How would I fill in this blank? "If only________, then I would be happy, fulfilled, and secure with regard to this situation."
| |
1 | 1. Whom do you know needs encouragement and hope that God’s peace is for them? | |
1 | Open the Proclaiming God's Forgiveness form to the inside-middle panel and review the The Development of an Idol. Then answers these questions. 1. What preoccupies your thoughts? (What is the 1st thing on your mind in the morning or the last thing at night?) | |
1 | After reading PART 2 and Chapter 5 (pages 93-105), complete the following personal exercise and answer the following questions. PERSONAL EXERCISE: PRACTICING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE As much as we confess our faith in Christ and God’s plan of salvation, we frequently fail to live out that faith in daily practice with one another. To encourage you to practice this healthy lifestyle, I am providing you with an opportunity for personal application. In the previous chapter, you had opportunity to examine your heart, identifying some of your idols. In this chapter, I encourage you to seek out someone to proclaim God’s forgiveness to you. 1. Find someone who will confidentially hear your confession to God and then proclaim God’s forgiveness to you. You may go to your pastor, or you may select another Christian who is mature in the faith. You may choose to use the self-examination questions from the end of the previous chapter to prepare you. | |
1 | Read Chapter 7 (pages 119-134). 1. Think of any leader you’ve known (in or outside of church) who demonstrated arrogance and generally avoided admitting any wrong-doing. Without naming the person, answer the following: a. How did that person communicate he or she was a strong leader? b. How did those under this person’s leadership view him or her? c. How approachable was this person? d. How did that person’s leadership affect the culture of the organization? | |
1 | Open the Proclaiming God's Forgiveness form to the inside-middle panel and review the The Development of an Idol. Then answers these questions. 1. What physical pleasure did you find yourself thinking about much of the time? | |
1 | After reading Chapter 3 (pages 56-71), discuss together the questions from the end of Chapter 3: 1. Although the following characteristics do not in themselves define whether a congregation is healthy, they may prove beneficial. Which ones describe your congregation? a. We have developed and communicated a clearly defined mission. b. We maintain a well-organized structure as documented in the constitution and bylaws, policies, and job descriptions. c. We benefit from bold, visionary leadership. d. We are experiencing numerical growth (e.g., in membership, attendance, or offerings). e. We offer inspiring worship services. | |
1 | 1. When God calls you a “New Creation,” what keeps you from believing that you are? | |
1 | After reading Chapter 8 (pages 137-154), answer the following questions. 1. How well do the members of your church confess their faith by the way in which they take responsibility for their own contributions to conflict? | |
1 | 1. Consider a current or recent conflict. In what ways have you been dismissive, belittling, or arrogant in reference to your opponent? | |
1 | 1. Considering a current or recent conflict, what underlying desires were driving you to take your position and respond to the conflict in the ways that you did? | |
1 | 1. How have Christ’s wounds affected how God sees you in this conflict? Your opponent? | |
1 | 1. Think back on how your conflict began. From your perspective, what were your best intentions? | |
1 | 1. What worries you the most when you awake in the morning and before you go to sleep at night? | |
1 | 1. Does Jesus’ command to “get the log out of your eye” apply to believers, non-believers, or to all people? Why is it important to confess your sins to non-believers? | |
1 | 1. In Psalm 103:3, what is the first benefit for which we praise God? | |
1 | 1. Which hymns and praise songs have helped you grow in the fear of the Lord because of their emphasis on the greatness of God and the holiness of God? | |
1 | 1. With Christ’s prayer of forgiveness . . . a. How does God see you? b. How does God see your opponent? | |
1 | 1. Review Romans 5:8. When did Jesus die for you? | |
1 | Confession Brings Freedom 1. Read Psalm 139:23-24, then ask God to help you see if you have sinned in any of the following ways in this situation. If so, note how.
| |
1 | 1. Carefully think about your thoughts, words, and actions in this conflict. What or whom have you been trusting to respond to this conflict? | |
1 | 1. What are the material issues you want addressed in this conflict? | |
1 | 1. As you think about your recent or current conflict, read again Psalm 103:1-5. What are some of God’s benefits for you in this situation? | |
1 | 1. Consider a current or recent conflict. How have your expectations of the other person magnified your demands on him/her and your disappointment in his/her failure to meet your desires? | |
1 | 1. How does this affect your view of the Lord Jesus and your ability to trust Him in the most difficult circumstances? This is the breakout room question posed around timestamp (26:15). | |
1 | Overcome Evil with Good 1. Which worldly weapons have you been using, or are you tempted to use, in this situation? | |
1 | 1. What godly desires have you turned into demands? | |
1 | 1. How can you demonstrate your trust in God while you address your conflict with your opponent? | |
1 | 1. How have the rich blessings that you and your opponent received from God led to your conflict in this matter? | |
1 | 1. What motivated God to show mercy on your soul? | |
1 | 1. According to Proverbs 29:25, what are the two types of fear contrasted? How might these fears impact the conflict you find yourself in today? | |
1 | 1. Which experience from your past keeps robbing you of Christ’s forgiveness? | |
1 | 1. According to Hebrews 4:15-16, what is God’s promise to those who suffer? How might this impact the conflict you find yourself in today? | |
1 | This video is a dramatization of what may have happened in David's kingdom in the wake of the narrative we read in 2 Samuel 11. This is not a biblical account in that these people are not from Scripture, but what the characters gossip about reflects the events in 2 Samuel 11. For this assignment, focus on King David's actions. 1. What actions did David take to conceal his sins? | |
1 | After reading Chapter 6 (pages 108-117), answer these questions from the end of Chapter 6: 1. What percentage of your congregation’s members do you think recognize that as Christ’s followers they are in constant spiritual battle? | |
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2. Find the Perfect Assignment
Search for words, phrases or even Scripture references! (e.g. Romans 5:8)
100 Potential Homework Assignments
Title | Resource/Product | Time to Complete | |
Day 01, "A Reason for Hope" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 02, "Living Hope and Inexpressible Joy" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 03, "The Hope of Things to Come" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 04, "When Life Gets Stormy" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 05, "Bloody Hope" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 06, "The Kind of God We Need" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 07, "Our Prince of Peace" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 08, "When Anger Reflects Our Fears" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 09, "New Creation" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 10, "Pursuing Peace" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 11, "The End to Hostilities" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 12, "From Suffering to Hope" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 13, "Grieving with Hope" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 14, "The Comfort of God" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 15, "Worried about Tomorrow?" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 16, "Waiting...in Hope" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 17, "Whom Do You Fear" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 18, "Help in Our Weakness" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 19, "Be Peacemakers with Unbelievers?" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 20, "An Invitation to the Throne" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 21, "God's Steafast Love! Really?!" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 22, "Hope in Suffering Unjustly" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 23, "Wise as a Child" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 24, "A Tale of Two Workers" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 25, "I Can't Forgive Myself!" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 26, "Our Refuge" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 27, "It's Not Just about You!" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 28, "Who Leads Them to Truth?" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 29, "Hope in the Midst of Suffering" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 30, "Abundant Life" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 31, "Farther than One Can Imagine" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 32, "The Fear of the Lord" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 33, "Troubled Hearts" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 34, "Conflicts a Mission Field?" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 35, "A Foremost Sinner" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 36, "I Can Do It Myself!" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 37, "What's in a Name?" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 38, "Finally Friday" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 39, "Abounding in Hope" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 40, "Dealing with Shame" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 41, "Victory in Christ!" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Day 42, "No Condemnation?! How Can that Be?" | A Reason for Hope | Short | |
Anger Homework | Bookmark Bible Study | Medium | |
Authority Homework | Bookmark Bible Study | Medium | |
Bitterness Homework | Bookmark Bible Study | Medium | |
Careless Talk Homework | Bookmark Bible Study | Medium | |
Confession Homework | Bookmark Bible Study | Medium | |
Cravings Homework | Bookmark Bible Study | Long | |
Fear Homework | Bookmark Bible Study | Long | |
Forgiveness Homework | Bookmark Bible Study | Medium | |
Identity Homework | Bookmark Bible Study | Medium | |
Love Others Homework | Bookmark Bible Study | Medium | |
Misplaced Trust Homework | Bookmark Bible Study | Long | |
Suffering Homework | Bookmark Bible Study | Medium | |
Chapter 1 & 2 Homework | Built on the Rock | Medium | |
Chapter 13 Homework | Built on the Rock | Medium | |
Chapter 14 Homework | Built on the Rock | Medium | |
Chapter 15 Homework | Built on the Rock | Medium | |
Chapter 3 Homework | Built on the Rock | Medium | |
Chapter 4 Homework | Built on the Rock | Medium | |
Chapter 5 Homework | Built on the Rock | Medium | |
Chapter 6 Homework | Built on the Rock | Medium | |
Chapter 7 Homework | Built on the Rock | Medium | |
Chapter 8 Homework | Built on the Rock | Medium | |
Anger Homework | Coaching Bookmarks | Short | |
Authority Homework | Coaching Bookmarks | Short | |
Bitterness Homework | Coaching Bookmarks | Short | |
Careless Talk Homework | Coaching Bookmarks | Short | |
Confession Homework | Coaching Bookmarks | Short | |
Cravings Homework | Coaching Bookmarks | Short | |
Fear Homework | Coaching Bookmarks | Short | |
Forgiveness Homework | Coaching Bookmarks | Short | |
Identity Homework | Coaching Bookmarks | Short | |
Love Others Homework | Coaching Bookmarks | Short | |
Misplaced Trust Homework | Coaching Bookmarks | Short | |
Suffering Homework | Coaching Bookmarks | Short | |
Day 01, “Unaware of Our Need for Rescue” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 02, “Bloody People” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 03, “The Poison of Unforgiveness” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 04, “Conflict an Opportunity?” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 05, “As Good as the Paper It’s Written On” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 06, “Fights and Quarrels” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 07, “Forget Not!” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 08, “Trust in Me” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 09, “Where Can I Get Help?” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 10, “True Love” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 11, “Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 12, “All for God” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 13, “Abundant Life” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 14, “So Much to Fight For” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 15, “Log Jam” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 16, “Downcast and Pleased” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 17, “Me, a Witness?” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 18, “How’s Your Attitude?” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 19, “God, Help Me!” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 20, “Handle with Kid Gloves” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 21, “To Bless or To Curse” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 22, “Standing in the Presence of God” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 23, “Forgive Whom?” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 24, “Making the Impossible Possible” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 25, “God Have Mercy on Your Soul” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 26, “Confession and Forgiveness” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 27, “Clueless” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 28, “You Want Me To Do What?!” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 29, “Keeping Cross-Eyed” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 30, “I Can’t Forgive Myself!” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 31, “Glorify God in Conflict” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 32, “Beautiful Feet” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 33, “Whom Do I Fear Most?” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 34, “The Pause that Revives” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 35, “At Peace” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 36, “The Great Uncovering” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 37, “In a Most Peculiar Fashion” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 38, “Isn’t It About Me?” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 39, “A Better Way” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 40, “Forgive, and Forgive, and Forgive…” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 41, “The Best Moment in Life” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Day 42, “Forgiven to Forgive” | Forgiven to Forgive | Short | |
Introduction | Personal Peacemaking Self-study | Short | |
Lesson 1: Remember Whose You Are | Personal Peacemaking Self-study | Medium | |
Lesson 2: Repent Before God | Personal Peacemaking Self-study | Medium | |
Lesson 3: Receive God's Forgiveness | Personal Peacemaking Self-study | Medium | |
Lesson 4: Confess to the Other Person | Personal Peacemaking Self-study | Medium | |
Lesson 5: Forgive as God Forgives You | Personal Peacemaking Self-study | Medium | |
Lesson 6: Restore with Gentleness | Personal Peacemaking Self-study | Medium | |
Development of an Idol | Proclaiming God's Forgiveness | Short | |
Go and Be Reconciled: What Does This Mean? | Proclaiming God's Forgiveness | Short | |
Guidelines for Confession | Proclaiming God's Forgiveness | Short | |
Uncovering Idols: Fear of Man | Proclaiming God's Forgiveness | Short | |
Uncovering Idols: Good Things that I Want too Much | Proclaiming God's Forgiveness | Short | |
Uncovering Idols: Improper Desires for Physical Pleasure | Proclaiming God's Forgiveness | Short | |
Uncovering Idols: Love of Money or Material Possessions | Proclaiming God's Forgiveness | Short | |
Uncovering Idols: Pride and Arrogance | Proclaiming God's Forgiveness | Short | |
Responding to Sexual Temptation - Intro | Responding to Sexual Temptation | Medium | |
Responding to Sexual Temptation - Lesson 1 | Responding to Sexual Temptation | Medium | |
Responding to Sexual Temptation - Lesson 2 | Responding to Sexual Temptation | Medium | |
Responding to Sexual Temptation - Lesson 3 | Responding to Sexual Temptation | Medium | |
Responding to Sexual Temptation - Lesson 4 | Responding to Sexual Temptation | Medium | |
Responding to Sexual Temptation - Lesson 5 | Responding to Sexual Temptation | Medium | |
Chapter 01: Conflict Provides Opportunities | The Peacemaker | Medium | |
Chapter 02: Live at Peace | The Peacemaker | Medium | |
Chapter 03: Trust in the Lord and Do Good | The Peacemaker | Medium | |
Chapter 04: Is This Really Worth Fighting Over? | The Peacemaker | Medium | |
Chapter 05: Conflict Starts in the Heart | The Peacemaker | Medium | |
Chapter 06: Confession Brings Freedom | The Peacemaker | Medium | |
Chapter 07: Just Between the Two of You | The Peacemaker | Medium | |
Chapter 08: Speak the Truth in Love | The Peacemaker | Medium | |
Chapter 09: Take One or Two Others Along | The Peacemaker | Medium | |
Chapter 10:
Forgive as God Forgave You | The Peacemaker | Medium | |
Chapter 11: Look Also to the Interests of Others | The Peacemaker | Medium | |
Chapter 12: Overcome Evil with Good | The Peacemaker | Medium | |
CRvR Lesson 1: Remember Whose You Are | Webinar Recording | Medium | |
CRvR Lesson 2: Repent Before God | Webinar Recording | Medium | |
CRvR Lesson 3: Receive God's Forgiveness | Webinar Recording | Medium | |
CRvR Lesson 4: Confess to the Other Person | Webinar Recording | Medium | |
CRvR Lesson 5: Forgive as God Forgives You | Webinar Recording | Medium | |
CRvR Lesson 6: Restore with Gentleness | Webinar Recording | Medium | |
GaBR Lesson 1: Remember Whose You Are | Webinar Recording | Medium | |
GaBR Lesson 2: Repent Before God | Webinar Recording | Medium | |
GaBR Lesson 3: Receive God's Forgiveness | Webinar Recording | Medium | |
GaBR Lesson 4: Confess to the Other Person | Webinar Recording | Medium | |
GaBR Lesson 5: Forgive as God Forgives You | Webinar Recording | Medium | |
GaBR Lesson 6: Restore with Gentleness | Webinar Recording | Medium | |
King David's Servants & David's Idolatry | Webinar Recording | Short | |
King David's Servants & the Servant's Idolatry | Webinar Recording | Short | |
Pre-Mediation Preparation Worksheet (Conflict Resolution vs. Reconciliation) | Webinar Recording | Long | |
Pre-Mediation Preparation Worksheet (Go and Be Reconciled) | Webinar Recording | Long | |
Responding to Sexual Temptation in a High Tech Society | Webinar Recording | Long | |
Wounded in Heart & Soul | Webinar Recording | Medium |

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Students of Personal Peacemaking |
test2@hisaor.org |
obotite@yahoo.com |
bobbuchanan51@gmail.com |
kerri@aorhope.org |
rresolved@icloud.com |
rresolved@icloud.com |
graceupongrace6@gmail.com |
cj76704@yahoo.com |
John.xaviertxp@gmail.com |
obotite@yahoo.com |
annkoil@icloud.com |
gbcvera@gmail.com |
kevin@missing-peace.org |
dwight@aorhope.org |
kerri@aorhope.org |
mrscherylnaumann@gmail.com |
smith_justin@hotmail.com |
mannisto.mark@sbcglobal.net |
obotite@yahoo.com |
obotite@yahoo.com |
obotite@yahoo.com |
mariabushen@gmail.com |
nhilliard@shaw.ca |
pholzwart@sbcglobal.net |
dwight@aorhope.org |
grussell1903@gmail.com |
kevin@missing-peace.org |
tebel@msubillings.edu |
dwight@forwardone.net |
president@zionhb.org |
daryl.d.becker@gmail.com |
maddy@aorhope.org |
cpttritium@gmail.com |
gadieckhoff40@gmail.com |
kaylagaroutte2017@gmail.com |
kerri@aorhope.org |
ramstad.mollie@gmail.com |
lglaskey@martinlutherjoplin.com |
cideker@martinlutherjoplin.com |
aherrera@martinlutherjoplin.com |
jglaskey@immanueljoplin.com |
cramstad@immanueljoplin.com |
ncolban@outlook.com |
phyllis79@hotmail.com |
lbommarito@martinlutherjoplin.com |
sylviascheetz6@gmail.com |
rtaylor@martinlutherjoplin.com |
athompson@theanchorbiblechurch.org |
tjemt21@gmail.com |
dlarimer@gmail.com |
kerri@aorhope.org |
daryl.d.becker@gmail.com |
hangingthemoon4u@gmail.com |
hangingthemoon4u@gmail.com |
daryl.d.becker@gmail.com |
alivengzus@gmail.com |
annette@aorhope.org |
akessler@martinlutherjoplin.com |
jmkraeme@ualberta.ca |
wendyscottromine@gmail.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
wendyscottromine@gmail.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
michael@lampministry.org |
nswerhun@telus.net |
dwight@aorhope.org |
gigoebel-gp@hotmail.com |
kreative.kraemers@gmail.com |
sarah.faithlc@gmail.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
nswerhun@telus.net |
pastorfraserc62@gmail.com |
sbromine@gmail.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
kreative.kraemers@gmail.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
pastorfraserc62@gmail.com |
jmkraeme@ualberta.ca |
dwight@aorhope.org |
jmkraeme@ualberta.ca |
dwight@aorhope.org |
sbromine@gmail.com |
adamchandler@shaw.ca |
dwight@aorhope.org |
sarah.faithlc@gmail.com |
crystal.lifeunlimited73@gmail.com |
mel.h.graham@gmail.com |
renewinglightcoaching@gmail.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
alex.c.timm@gmail.com |
ventura.faithlc@telus.net |
alewis@telusplanet.net |
scienceclub@martinlutherjoplin.com |
ncolban@outlook.com |
alivengzus@gmail.com |
debrefamily@gmail.com |
heathercamplair@gmail.com |
oznut16@yahoo.com |
slappenbush@yahoo.ca |
dscheetz@telus.net |
dwight@aorhope.org |
alewis@telusplanet.net |
dlarimer@gmail.com |
paul.buckley@kingofgrace.org |
prestonpaul@icloud.com |
prestonpaul@icloud.com |
paul.buckley@kingofgrace.org |
dlarimer@gmail.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
dwight@aorhope.org |
dlarimer@gmail.com |
prestonpaul@icloud.com |
pastor@roseofsharonlutheran.org |
iluvbugs@twc.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
pastor@roseofsharonlutheran.org |
deaconessjoanna@gmail.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
sonjabland70@gmail.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
adamchandler@shaw.ca |
stephanieb@webstergardens.org |
dwight@aorhope.org |
renewinglightcoaching@gmail.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
paul.buckley@kingofgrace.org |
dwight@aorhope.org |
slappenbush@yahoo.ca |
dwight@aorhope.org |
debrefamily@gmail.com |
daryl.d.becker@gmail.com |
marvinmoss1955@gmail.com |
sadoennig@gmail.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
dscheetz@telus.net |
dwight@aorhope.org |
heathercamplair@gmail.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
alex.c.timm@gmail.com |
mel.h.graham@gmail.com |
friarpuk@gmail.com |
traaslm112@sbcglobal.net |
dwight@aorhope.org |
iluvbugs@twc.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
alivengzus@gmail.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
ncolban@outlook.com |
paul.buckley@kingofgrace.org |
perrydavis556@gmail.com |
dwight@aorhope.org |
mel.h.graham@gmail.com |
timothy@sandeno.us |
maddy@aorhope.org |
nswerhun@telus.net |
dkwfp@yahoo.com |
dkwfp@yahoo.com |
alivengzus@gmail.com |
dave@webstergardens.org |
mel.h.graham@gmail.com |
sshearman@stpaulsdp.org |
tommonicagato@gmail.com |
melissa@crossroadsresolution.com |
jmkraeme@ualberta.ca |
gigoebel-gp@hotmail.com |
jmkraeme@ualberta.ca |
theschadecks2@hotmail.com |
jmkraeme@ualberta.ca |
communications@immanuellutheran.ca |
heathercamplair@gmail.com |
maddy@aorhope.org |
theschadecks2@hotmail.com |
dlarimer@gmail.com |
dlarimer@gmail.com |
prestonpaul@icloud.com |
grubendeborah@gmail.com |
paul.buckley@kingofgrace.org |
paul.buckley@kingofgrace.org |
grubendebirah@gmail.com |
revrdittmer@gmail.com |
grubendeborah@gmail.com |
kklc.samantha@gmail.com |
revrdittmer@gmail.com |
ntaylor@elmlaw.com |
annette@aorhope.org |
maddy@aorhope.org |
partnership4peace@gmail.com |
jaime.venturat@gmail.com |
sarah.faithlc@gmail.com |
kreative.kraemers@gmail.com |
kreative.kraemers@gmail.com |
sbromine@gmail.com |
gigoebel-gp@hotmail.com |
janice.kraemer@ualberta.ca |
d.milette.moncton@gmail.com |
renewinglightcoaching@gmail.com |
adamchandler@shaw.ca |
pastor@immanuellutheran.ca |
alewis@telusplanet.net |