Our Conference is happening NOW! Join us! Click HERE for Conference Webpage
Our Conference has concluded but it's not too late! Click Here for Conference Recordings

Benefits of Registering your Reconciliation Ministry
Support from AoR staff for consultation, coaching and encouragement
A special section of our website available only to Reconciliation Ministry team members: Reconciliation Ministry-Home
Listing on our Christian Reconciler Directory page
Team members receive:
FREE SHIPPING on orders of $50 or more
10% off all training registrations
10% off Christian Reconciler™ annual fee!
Access to experienced reconcilers through the Christian Reconciler Forum
An amount up to 100% of undesignated funds raised through your crowdfunding page will be returned to you as reduced training or conference registration fees
A campaign specific to your Reconciliation Ministry can be added to our crowdfunding Campaigns Page for your fundraising