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2. Meaningful and Effective Board Meetings
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Serving on a leadership board in Christ's Church is a serious responsibility. Moreover, those who serve on a board sacrifice time that could be used for other activities, including time with family, work, household chores, or even leisure. Therefore, it is important that boards strive to make meetings meaningful and effective. Board members owe this to one another out of love and respect for the brothers and sisters in Christ.
This section summarizes some of the principles from Chapter 10 “Focusing on Spiritual Leadership” (Built on the Rock, pages 174-193).
In order to make meetings more meaningful and effective, each board member works between the meetings. It is the responsibility of the board chairperson to hold members accountable between meetings by reminding them of responsibilities and due dates and by preparing them for the meeting.
Estimate the total amount of time your board spends in an average meeting for reading the minutes, receiving oral reports, reviewing financial reports, and reading other information.
Your Response

Response Summary
Just imagine…. What would happen if you received the minutes, oral reports, financial reports, committee reports, and information on proposed nominations and motions in advance of the meeting? How much time would you save every meeting?
Your Response

Response Summary
What would be some of the benefits of receiving reports in advance of the meeting?

comment | author | Created Date |
1. Commit to regularly attending Bible study. 2. Commit to personal daily devotions. 3. Commit to personally visiting members in my assigned zone of responsibility. 4. Preparing one or more devotions that I can use in my home visits. 5. (If not the chairperson) Commit to preparing any reports for my board and sending them to the chairperson at the time requested. 6. (If the chairperson) Commit to requesting reports well ahead of meetings, preparing, and sending in advance the agenda, minutes, and all reports to those responsible for attending the meeting. 1. Commit at least 30 minutes per meeting for studying the Word together as a board. 2. Commit at least 15 minutes per meeting for prayer together as a board. Each board person will pray for someone in his/her zone. 3. Commit to praying for our pastor(s) in his(their) presence during board meetings. 4. Commit to reviewing all reports between meetings so that our time together can be better spent discussing and making decisions. 5. Commit to organizing our board so that every member is visited regularly every year. 6. Commit as a board to getting together one Sunday evening per month for calling to make appointments for home visits to members. PLUS: | nathanielcnash@gmail.com | 07/19/2024 |
I just made a pastoral visit to an elderly lady at our church who has been having heart issues and surgeries. She's been a bit discouraged by the whole situation. She is a believer, but she's been going through a tough time. When I came into her house, her sister was there to help her out. So I spent a few minutes talking to both of them and getting to know her sister from out of state. We talked about family and politics, since the RNC has been going on. I then mentioned that I should get going soon, and asked if I could share a brief devotion. I read her 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:9. I then shared some of my own reflections on those verses. That despite all we're going through, we shouldn't loose heart, because as 4:16 says, "Though our outer-self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day." And vs 17 says, "this light and momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison." I encouraged her to keep her eyes on Jesus as she goes through these trials and difficulties. Ultimately he will wipe away every tear in heaven, and we will be with Him forever as he takes away all sickness, death, and suffering. That will be greater than anything we experience, and completely worth it all. After I shared, and she made a few comments. A few tears were shed. I offered to pray for her. So I asked the Lord to encourage and strengthen her in the middle of her health issues. Then I ended, said my goodbyes, and left. | nathanielcnash@gmail.com | 07/19/2024 |
My senior pastor and elders. | nathanielcnash@gmail.com | 07/19/2024 |
Preparation for Meeting
Use the following preparation guidelines for making your meetings more meaningful and effective:
Chairperson reminds individuals that reports are due on specific date.
Reports are written and submitted to chairperson in advance of the due date.
Pastors’ reports (e.g., official reports on worship and Bible study attendance, membership changes, Baptisms, funerals, marriages, pastoral calls, etc.)
Monitoring reports (including financial statements, other Executive Staff reports, etc.)
Other board reports (committee reports, assigned areas, etc.)
Any suggested motions for action and accompanying information
Policy changes
Budget changes
Nominations for appointments of officers and board members
Nominations for filling staff vacancies
Secretary submits minutes to board chairperson
Chairman sends out in advance:
Pastors’ reports
Monitoring reports
Other board reports
Recommended motions for action plus any informational attachments
Reminder of reading assignments (for study) – this includes the policies that are to be reviewed prior to the meeting
Board member assignments
Board members read all material in advance; they prepare discussion questions and other assignments made by chairman.
In a board meeting where the agenda, minutes, reports, and other information is sent in advance, the new agenda which provides emphasis on Bible study and prayer will look differently. Note that instead of receiving reports, your board members simply discuss reports. This includes questions and observations. In other words, the board can move directly into the actual business without wasting time gathering information that can be prepared and sent in advance.
What might happen in your board if you shifted that time savings to Bible study and prayer?

comment | author | Created Date |
1. Commit to regularly attending Bible study. 2. Commit to personal daily devotions. 3. Commit to personally visiting members in my assigned zone of responsibility. 4. Preparing one or more devotions that I can use in my home visits. 5. (If not the chairperson) Commit to preparing any reports for my board and sending them to the chairperson at the time requested. 6. (If the chairperson) Commit to requesting reports well ahead of meetings, preparing, and sending in advance the agenda, minutes, and all reports to those responsible for attending the meeting. 1. Commit at least 30 minutes per meeting for studying the Word together as a board. 2. Commit at least 15 minutes per meeting for prayer together as a board. Each board person will pray for someone in his/her zone. 3. Commit to praying for our pastor(s) in his(their) presence during board meetings. 4. Commit to reviewing all reports between meetings so that our time together can be better spent discussing and making decisions. 5. Commit to organizing our board so that every member is visited regularly every year. 6. Commit as a board to getting together one Sunday evening per month for calling to make appointments for home visits to members. PLUS: | nathanielcnash@gmail.com | 07/19/2024 |
I just made a pastoral visit to an elderly lady at our church who has been having heart issues and surgeries. She's been a bit discouraged by the whole situation. She is a believer, but she's been going through a tough time. When I came into her house, her sister was there to help her out. So I spent a few minutes talking to both of them and getting to know her sister from out of state. We talked about family and politics, since the RNC has been going on. I then mentioned that I should get going soon, and asked if I could share a brief devotion. I read her 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:9. I then shared some of my own reflections on those verses. That despite all we're going through, we shouldn't loose heart, because as 4:16 says, "Though our outer-self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day." And vs 17 says, "this light and momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison." I encouraged her to keep her eyes on Jesus as she goes through these trials and difficulties. Ultimately he will wipe away every tear in heaven, and we will be with Him forever as he takes away all sickness, death, and suffering. That will be greater than anything we experience, and completely worth it all. After I shared, and she made a few comments. A few tears were shed. I offered to pray for her. So I asked the Lord to encourage and strengthen her in the middle of her health issues. Then I ended, said my goodbyes, and left. | nathanielcnash@gmail.com | 07/19/2024 |
My senior pastor and elders. | nathanielcnash@gmail.com | 07/19/2024 |
Opening Devotion (assigned in advance; led by lay leader)
Spiritual Study
Corrections and approval of minutes
Discussion on pastors’ reports (as needed)
Discussion on monitoring and other board reports (as needed)
Business to be considered (motions, discussion for future assignment and action, etc. – this includes proposed changes to policies)
Prayer time
Each board member prays for specific people or activity in congregation
An assigned board member prays for the pastors and their families (and other called workers)
Prayer cards are sent to individuals prayed for
Most church boards waste valuable time receiving reports that are often poorly prepared. In fact, much of what is reported orally is often unnecessary information. Board members may get off track talking about issues that really are not relevant to their board’s responsibilities. A valuable board report is often simple, reporting in four areas:
Reports should be prepared in advance, written and submitted to the board chairperson for distribution to the rest of the board. Reports may be submitted more easily by email. However, some confidential information may not be shared by email (easily copied and sent out to others, may be viewed by others not in confidence, etc.)
Reports should be simple. Include only information that is necessary to share with the entire board. Avoid unnecessary detail. A simple board report might answer four questions:
What was accomplished?
What is planned to be done in the future?
Any special concerns that affect other board members.
Any recommendations for the board to take action (e.g., motions).
Visitation Reports
Spiritual leaders commit themselves to visiting members between their meetings. Later in this course, you’ll learn what to do in these visits. The results of those meetings should be reported to the chairperson who can summarize the results for the entire board to see. Once again, time for giving reports is saved when prepared and submitted in advance.
For example, monthly zone contacts might be summarized as follows:
Elder Visits for Month of October
Elder | # Phone Contacts | # Personal Visits | Special Concerns | Prayer Requests |
J. Smith | 6 | 3 | None | Mary S. – cancer |
B. Jones | 7 | 5 | Harry T needs financial assistance; lost job
Tom J hurt at job | Harry T – Job; finances
Alice S–upcoming surgery |
S. Tucker | 3 | 3 | Sue M concerned about new worship service | Praise for Jon & Linda O for newborn grandson |
T.Schultz | 7 | 3 | Art & Eve W recently separated; need help from reconciliation ministry team. | Art & Eve W- marriage |
P. Blake | 4 | 4 | Met with member whose son is using illegal drugs | Pray for member & son (keeping name confidential) |
Totals | 27 | 18 |
Reviewing Reports
So what happens to the reports during the meeting?
Great question!
First of all, don’t repeat them!
When reviewing reports during a meeting, it is preferred that the person not repeat what was already reported. During the report discussion session on the agenda, each board member should be prepared to ask questions of the person reporting or make a comment. Questions may be asked for clarification, or observations may be made.
Confidential information may be shared orally at the meeting rather than in advance of the meeting. In such cases, a person’s report should indicate, “I have something confidential to share during the meeting.”
Giving an oral report in a meeting can take up extensive time that is better spent on higher priority items, such as Bible study and prayer.
Finish this section by taking this quiz
Which of these should the board chairman send in advance? (check 3 boxes)
Not quite. Keep trying!
An effective meeting requires members to speed read reports at beginning of meeting. (True or False)
Not quite. Keep trying!
It is preferable for all members to give their reports orally to ensure all information is conveyed. (True or False)
Not quite. Keep trying!
Does most of the monitoring work of the meaningful and effective board occur between meetings or during the meetings? (Select your answer)
Not quite. Keep trying!
Who is responsible for collecting, summarizing and distributing reports ahead of each meeting? (Select your answer)
Not quite. Keep trying!